There are two ways of looking at the future. You can worry yourself silly, or you can place your future in the hands of God and walk forward with confidence and courage. It isn't that God wants you to be unconcerned about the future. Jesus urged His disciples to plan and prepare for what was ahead of them. But He also told them not to be consumed with worry.
God has a wonderful plan for your life~whether you are fifteen or fifty~five. He wants you to fearlessly face each day with you hand in His. Don't allow what might happen to rob you of your sense of excitement and anticipation. Go forward into the future with God.
"I've read the last page of the Bible.
It's all going to turn out all right."
Billy Graham
Taken from: God's Daily Answer
Great post! I can always use a message like that =)
..and I love the quote by Billy Graham. It's one of my favorites!
Thank you for the wonderful encouragement. We all need to remind ourselves of God's faithfulness once in a while. Billy Graham summed it up pretty well!
This is beautiful, Carol, and something we need to hear again and again. Oh....to trust in God each and every day. Thank you!
Barb ♥
Thank you for this beautiful reminder today. Enjoy a relaxing Sunday. ~Natalie
We cannot be reminded of this enough! You have to love Billy Graham!
Thank you for reminding us! Great quote by Billy Graham.
Amen to that!
Hi Carol! Wonderful encouragement for today! If we'd just admit it, it's easier to trust God and fret and worry! I need to hear this again and again!
Just say a program last night about George Beverly Shay and his many years of singing for the Billy Graham crusades. What a witness.
Oh, how sweet to have a 7 month old grand baby! Thanks for the visit and I'm so looking forward to the time.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
yes it will turn all right in the end. Thanks for reminding me not to be concerned about the middle of life's story. One Hot flash at a time sweet Jesus!
What a wonderful post and message.♥
Your temps. sound WONDERFUL. We did get the cool front in during the night and it is quite breezy and cool this morning. I have my windows open. It is supposed to hit about 79 today....much better than 94!!!!!!!
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