Look who showed up
at my house yesterday . . .
What a pleasant surprise ! ! !

Yesterday I received this cute rabbit in the mail from my sister, Susan. Isn't he sweet?!? I just love him! She said when she saw him in the gift shop he reminded her of me because I was a reading teacher for so many years. Thanks Susan, I treasure my new bunny!!
Would you brilliant, witty, creative people help me name Mr. Bunny? I look forward to reading your suggestions!!
Oh he is just gorgeous! Aren't sisters the best?
I would call him "Mr. Reed" :)
What a beautiful bunny!!
What a great sis you have! I cant think of a suitable name for him. I'll have to think about it. My sister in law is a reading teacher and she loves it.Have a super day!
Oh I like Beth's suggestion!
Let me see if I can come up with something just as good!
I think he looks like "Mr. Green Jeans"
Do you remember him? From Captain Kangaroo!
He simply looks like "Edgar" to me.
He seems quite comfortable and intelligent. (smile)
Whatever name you give him he is blessed to be in your home, I am sure.
I loved teaching Chelsea to read!!
The boys learned the basics in school but Chelsea was all mine. It was sooooo much fun and such a sense of accomplishment. I can't imagine getting to do that day in and day out.
How cute and sweet of Susan to think of you. I like Mr Reed.
Stay warm today. It is so cold even here in Houston
Love you
How cute and thoughtful!! I'll have to think about the name..
What a sweet surprise. Don't you just love getting unexpected gifts?!!
I am not creative at all, but will think on it. I do like the name Beth chose "Mr. Reed."
Hi Carol...I thought Bosley Bunny would be a cute name for him and here is the meaning of the word I found on the web:
The boy's name Bosley \b(o)-sley, bos-ley\ is of Middle English origin, and its meaning is "meadow near the woods". Based on the French word "bois", or "woods".
Whatever you decide he will be the cutest bunny on the blog! ;-) Bo
He is very cute. My vote is Benjamin bunny. I love that name. Have a great day! Elena
What a beautiful bunny. Everyone knows I'm "crazy" about bunnies.
I have one my aunt made for me many years ago, and I named him Monroe after the town they live in. His name would have been Milly had it been a her..lol.. so a thought your sister's name? It sure is "adorable".. great gift, even better and generous sister..
hugs ~lynne~
Hi Carol:
What a darling bunny. I love how his one ear flops down...just like my doberman, one ear up and one down. lol.
I think Beth's idea is so fitting, Mr.Reed is perfect!!! But whatever you call him, he is just too cute.
I love this little rabbit. What a wonderful gift from your sister! I think I'd call him Beau :-)
What a great gift - he is adorable!!
the librarian in me WANTS that bunny!
Mr. Reed...that's a cute name that Beth mentioned!!
Thanks for entering our giveaway! I just added ways for you to get extra enties in our giveaway...come by and check it out. Ok so I'm off to check out your blog!
Take Care
Love your new bunny, mine's name is Mr. Pattypat. I think Mr. Reed is a good name for yours.
Oh, he is precious, and how special that your sister thought of you when she saw him. Mr. Greenjeans comes to mind (his overalls are green, aren't they?). Ooops! I just looked at the other comments and Mr. Greenjeans is already here. laurie
Good evening Beth, Thank you for stopping by my blog. You have a lovely blog here and I would love to follow. Your bunny is so sweet. what a thoughtful sister you have! Of course I really love the name Fletcher. I look forward to stopping by again soon.
Oh what a cutie! your sister "did good"!...Debbie
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