I'd like to introduce you all to a sweet baby boy
who arrived Monday morning at 9:01 AM.
Weight 8 lbs. 1 oz.~21 1/2 inches long!

Holly was at Kari's shower on Sunday. These girls are best friends. It's so neat that their babies will be born a month apart. I know that Nathan & Ethan will be best friends too.

It's been a long time since I've been around a baby less than 24 hours old. Now more than ever I'm anxious for Ethan to arrive.
Congratulations Jeremy & Holly! God bless you as you begin your journey as parents. Nathan is a precious baby. He's very fortunate to have a Mommy & Daddy who love the Lord.
Congrats to the new parents! He is a little sweetie and so cute. :)
Congrats to them! What a sweet baby!
Hi Carol...at first I thought...uh oh, Baby Ethan came early...welcome
Nathan & congratulations to his mommy & daddy... ;-) Bo
Congratulations to the new parents, I know you are so anxious for Ethan to arrive. At first, I was thinking, my gosh she just had her shower. Then I realized it wasn't Ethan. :) Carol, you were asking when we are leaving on our next trip. We will leave in May sometime. We go every summer to escape this heat here at home.
Congratulations to the new parents!! what a precious little boy!
Oh, he's a cute tiny thing! Congratulations to all and welcome to the world baby Nathan!!
~New BabY !~
~Congratulations~to the parents~
~"Bless his heart"~
How sweet. He looks so tiny.
Hi Carol, Thanks for visiting and following my blog. That new baby is just precious. Congrats to the new parents.
I can only imagine how excited and anxious you are for your new grandbaby.
At first I thought this was Ethan...until I read further.
Congratulations to the proud parents of little Nathan.
I'm glad Holly was able to attend Kari's shower. That is really special that their boys will be so close & so very neat and encouraging that both these new parents/parents-to-be love the Lord.
I just knew it was baby Ethan. Love and kisses to new baby and welcome to our world.
What a cutie! For a second I thought your grandson had made an early appearance! I bet this little taste of things to come has you jumping to get your hands on Ethan! Congrats to the parents...Debbie
What a sweet baby boy! It's always so exciting when God gives us such awesome experiences!
He is so cute. Yes Granny C you are next! I am still trying to come up with a special name for you.
Love you
AWWWW! There is nothing as sweet as a newborn baby. laurie
He is absolutely adorable! I'm glad he arrived healthy and strong.
Hi Carol:
I too thought maybe your grandson came early. That is so special that Kari and her friend are having babies close together. The baby is adorable.
Congrats! What a beautiful child!! SO excited to "meet" Baby Ethan!
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