Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Kitchen. . .

Now don't get too excited, no, this is not my new kitchen, wish it was. This is our brother-in-law, Branson's new kitchen in his new house. He & his daughter, Kristi just moved to our area from Houston. Branson was married to Bob's sister, Kay who passed away in April. Branson's house in Houston received a lot of damage when hurricane Ike hit. Fortunately he had purchased this house a few weeks before. We are so happy to have them close by. My son, Bobby and I put shelf paper in all the shelves, drawers, & pantry. We also unpacked several boxes. There are so many cabinets! I would love to have a kitchen this size.

Welcome to Oklahoma Branson & Kristi!


Mary said...

Nice that you and B could help out in doing the pains taking job of shelf paper. I am sure they appreciated you act of kindness. I love the openness of their kitchen. Have a good TGIF

tincanlily said...

That is a beautiful kitchen. I wish it were mine, too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome! And an even bigger thanks for helping Dad and me settle in. :o)

Right now, we have a white fridge in the kitchen, but Dad says he will eventually get a stainless steel fridge, which will match the oven.

I like the under- the- cabinet lighting system we have in the kitchen, and the pendant lights are nice, too.