Here are just a few of my 'oldies but goodies'. . .

My Grandma Ruby was a crafty lady. In the mid '70s she created many ceramic pieces. One year she made these ornaments for Bob & me.

Even though this glittery star has lost one of its points I still tuck it between tree branches each year. Bobby made it in Sunday School class when he was 2 years old.
I'm so glad you took time out your busy schedule to stop by for a visit today! I appreciate each of you & enjoy it so much when you leave a comment!
Each one a treasure! I always sit and ponder the memories as I take ornaments out of the dusty boxes..filled with family memories..each one has a specail story on how it came to be..on the tree!Happy holidays!
Loved seeing all your different ornaments! Had to laugh at the glitter star! My mom still has the one I made too and hangs it on her tree!
Hi Carol,
Your Christmas tree is so beautiful. You have really captured a timeless warmth.
You made your blog snow. How neat!
Take Care, Melissa :)
AWWW Carol, what a sentimental tree you have. Big too. :)
Your tree looks Beautiful
And beautiful memeories on the Ornaments. I had not heard the one about going to watch John F K.
Have a good one today.
Love you
what great memories! i would love to have something from when i was in grade school.
i havent put out my special ornaments from when our kids were little yet. after seeing this perhaps tonight after work..I'll go digging! Its a beautiful tree.
Awww...the best kind of tree ever...the sentimental tree! How sweet those ornaments/memories are.
How wonderful to have a Christmas tree full of Christmas Memories. Your tree is georgous!!!
Hugs, Terrie
that is just wonderful! my mom has several of my grade one clay ornaments on the tree again this kids were laughing at son asked "grammy why do you have dog poop hanging on your tree?"
she answers..."oh sweetie that is not dog poop...that is the bell your mom made me for christmas when she was in grade one! see...there is still a little glitter left on it!"
yes...I made a bell that is more similar looking to dog poop than it is to a bell....I beg her to get rid of it every year...and every year she tells me to shut up and get away from her tree!
Oh Carol these are all so sweet and so many memories ..just loved your post today..I have an award fro you so come by and get it...hugs and smiles Gloria
Beautiful tree, Carol! And I like the star because although it's not "perfect", it's so very special. :)
Hi Carol...I did enlarge your great tree and saw some wonderful ornaments on photos, cars, houses, a stagecoach I think.. but my favorite is the tattered gold star Bobby made!
;-) Bo
Oh, Carol..Those are the best ornaments...the ones that have a memory attached. I am a retired teacher, so my heart was really warmed by the fact that 2 of the ornaments came from favorite teachers. But the best of all is the glittery star with the missing leg...hugs...Debbie
Loved seeing your treasures. You have a great blog
Love the snow!!!!! I have seen it on a few blogs. We had a dusting the other night! My kids (23 and 20) still look forward to getting out their favorite ornaments. I love the star. What a nice gift you received.
It is such a busy time. I am just getting around to catching up on all my favorite blogs.
I adore your tree. I love that you still have ornaments from your childhood. What a treasure!
Your tree is beautiful and what wonderful keepsake oranments with happy memories..hugs, Linda
I love your trees ,you did a superb job & I love your blog.
Please stop by my blog & enter my Giveback Giveaway !
Prim Hugs & Blessings,
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