Monday morning Kari was scheduled to have an ultra-sound to check little Ethan's progress. We decided it would be a good idea for us to drive Bobby & Kari to the Dr's. office in the 4 wheel drive since it was evident that the roads were in horrible condition. Most of the schools were closed in the area. It took us 45 minutes to make the trip that should only take 20 under normal conditions. When we got a few miles from the office we started noticing that this part of town had received only a trace of precipitation, the streets were clear! Amazing. Speaking of amazing, Bobby & Kari invited us to come in the room & see the ultra-sound! Wow! How amazing! We found out little Ethan is about 3.9 lbs. The due date is still February 20. Thanks kids for letting us share this moment with you!
I received this wonderful award from Melissa at !!
Thanks friend for thinking of me!!!

The rules say to pass this award on to other deserving blogging friends, so I'm passing it along to anyone who stops by to read my blog. All of my friends in blog land have really outdone themselves showing their 'Christmas Spirit' with their beautiful decorations & yummy recipes.
All you have to do is post 5 things you love about Christmas.
Here's my list. . .
I love celebrating the birth of our dear Savior.
I love the beautiful music I hear during the month.
I love decorating our home for the season.
I love seeing the excitement in the eyes of a child.
I love being with our family as we share food, fun, & love.
Thank you for coming by today for a visit. Stay warm!
Looks like we got the same front move in on us here in Ar. We are having our number 3 great grandson in Feb.
Hi Carol...Congrats on the award...I loved reading about your Christmas spirit. Only 2 months to go for Baby...Yay!!! ;-) Bo
You must be very excited for your soon to be new grandchild! (My bestfriend is also due on Feb. 20th!)
Congratulations on your great news. I can't wait to be a grandmother someday.
Hi Carol,
Thank you so much dear friend for posting and sharing the Christmas Spirit Award. It means so much at this time of year. I know most of us are really busy. Loved all your answers. Beautiful post. :)
Ethan's due date sounds special to me! That happens to be our 10 year wedding Anniversary! Yeah!
Stay warm and have a wonderful week.
~Melissa :)
Hi there.. just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! Things are getting crazy around here so who knows how much time there will be for blogging...hope all is well!!
Congrats on the award! And I am so happy to hear that things are going so smoothly for your soon-to-be-arriving grandchild!!...Debbie
Oh Carol how exciting for you and due in Feb..well girl I have a great grand daughter coming tomorrow YAHOO!! I already have a great grand son that was 2 in Nov but now a little girl I am so excited you have no idea..have another 2 due in march and may..WOW these kids are really coming fast in my world..Carol we have almost a foot of snow here..Yes I live in Sunny Calif but not the beach part but in the mountains..pretty to look at but don't want to shovel it...great post today ...hugs and smiles Gloria
Wasn't it crazy how quickly the temp. dropped?
I didn't even wear a coat or jacket to church.
By about 2:30 it was so much colder.
Thankfully we didn't get any sleet. It was just windy and cold.
How special that you were able to be there for the ultra sound.
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