Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome Winter

Happy first day of winter!
This is my sister, Sue's house yesterday.
She lives in Missouri.
I'm so jealous she got snow.
“Winter is the time for comfort,
 for good food and warmth, 
for the touch of a friendly hand and 
for a talk beside the fire: 
it is the time for home.” 
~ Edith Sitwell


  1. That was lovely...restful...calming...
    glad that I took the time to listen. A lovely, restful, calm day to you!

  2. Beautiful.

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and a bright and blessed New Year.

  3. Maybe you will get some snowflakes soon. I will be glad to share my snow. ; )

  4. I love that snowy picture! I'm a bit jealous, too!

    Reading that winter quote made me feel cozy. =) I'll have to save that one.
