Saturday, December 22, 2012

I'm Dreaming

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas . . . 
just like the ones I used to know.
This is the snowfall from Christmas 2009.
The weatherman keeps teasing us with the ever changing forecast. The newest prediction says 70% chance.
I don't want a blizzard, just an inch or two would be nice.
Time will tell . . .
In the mean time I'll keep wrapping gifts . . .


  1. I love that song and have it on my list. It's peppy enough to get me going.

    Hope that you get that bit of snow. We got torrential downpours instead. Wahhh...

  2. Carol,

    We watched the movie White Christmas last night. It is actually cold here in Florida....well, cold for us. Ha.

    Merry Christmas Carol!!


  3. I watch that movie all through the year. It is on my to-do list for Christmas eve. Hope you get the flakes you are wishing for. ;)
