Friday, October 26, 2012

Recipe Reviews

If you are a regular reader of my blog you may remember when I made this post about some crock pot meals I was going to make while sisters were visiting.
Most of the recipes received a thumbs up, some a thumbs down.
The winners were pinto beans & the jalapeno corn bread, breakfast casserole & big batch chili.
The recipes that I will never make again are the French Toast casserole & the Crock Pot Corn, Bacon and Potato Chowder.  The texture of the French Toast was just too mushy & we didn't care for the taste of the chowder.
The jalapeno corn bread was the biggest hit.  Not one piece was left!

Thursday, I baked Pumpkin Snickerdoodles, perfect for a cool October day.
They are so yummy! 
I found the recipe on Pinterest.
Check out my Pinterest "Cookie Jar" board here.

What do you like to bake when the weather turns cold?


  1. Well pooh ~I was looking forward to making the chowder. I love making cookies too. Oatmeal raisin are my favorites, since I often have them for breakfast (: Have a great weekend!

  2. Thank you for an honest review. I have wondered about the French toast and have often thought I'd give it a whirl. Now I won't. I do love a cheesy corn chowder and can't imagine it being any easier than making it atop the stove. Crockpots are for things that can go untended. I don't think that milky things qualify. You have a splendid cookie board. I'm going to try to remember it the next time I need a cookie idea.

  3. Your cookies look yummy.
    My favorite fall treat isn't really baking...I can almost smell the homemade carmel popcorn, just thinking about it. Mom would have a batch ready for an afterschool snack. I haven't made it for many years.

  4. Good to know how the recipes turned out!!
    The cookies look delish, and I'll have to go check out your Pin board.

    We cook a lot of soups, and chowders, and bake a lot of bread, when the weather turns cold.

    We woke up to 13 degrees outside this morning... brrr...

  5. Enjoyed reading your recipe review!

    I love to cook in my crock pot,want do the chowder either.

    I love to bake also,the wonderful smells,etc.
    I think I'll go use those overly ripe nana's right now,a favorite..banana bread.

  6. Thanks for the recipes will have to try the snickerdoodes and the Ooey Gooey cookies. We have tryed the cake.

  7. I checked out your cookie jar...I will be trying the Pumpkin Snickerdoodles. Have a great weekend.
