Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gorgeous Fall Day

It's a gorgeous day here in NE Oklahoma!
Clear blue sky . . . 
Brisk 37 degrees to start the day . . .
Crisp breeze . . .
Flowers survived a cold night . . .
Perfect day for a football game . . . 

Go Oklahoma State Cowboys, beat TCU! 


  1. Your Fall flowers look gorgeous! We're loving this weather today--enjoying it while getting out our "Fall Bling"/doing yardwork.

  2. Enjoy! We are having a very nice day, as well. No blue skies but we've been able to be out raking and picking up leaves as well as other projects to prepare for the storm.

    So thankful for the warning time.

    Hope your team wins! Sounds and looks like Fall at your house!

  3. I am going to make cookies, Ooey Gooey with lemon cake mix.
    Have a fun day!

  4. Your flowers are lasting a long time and are very pretty. It is a picture perfect football weather kind of day.

  5. Carol~ Just want you to know I always enjoy your post. Your flowers are beautiful. Happy Day~Jen

  6. Hi carol ~ you're flowers look happy and healthy, considering the low temp. Hope you get to enjoy them a while longer.

    There's a lot of talk about bringing a football team back to L.A. ~ we'll see. In the meantime, go OK (:

    Have a blessed Sunday ~ and thanks for stopping by. xo

  7. I hope your guys win. I know that'll bring you smile

  8. HI Carol! Oh, everything looks wonderful. It's been so hot here, my mums have turned brown! Love your cute little flag and enjoy that cool weather.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Oh fun twist! Didn't see that coming. ☺
