Thursday, May 31, 2012

Works Like A Charm

One of my Pinterest boards is "Ideas To Remember".
This is one of the ideas that I've been using with strawberries.
Such a great way to take the green off of strawberries. :) With a straw

Here are my pictures of the strawberry straw trick.
Works like a charm!

Have I ever mentioned I'm addicted to Pinterest?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Madison Pictures

My great niece, Madison, was born on Monday, May 21.
Here are some precious pictures my niece, April sent me last week.
9 lbs 13 oz
20.5 inches long
They had to buy bigger diapers & clothes.
No new born sizes for her!
proud Mommy
Daddy with his girls
Elise is so excited to be a big sister.

so sleepy

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food, Family & Friends

We had a fantastic time celebrating Memorial Day on Sunday with food, family & friends!

Our son, Bobby, invited some good friends since elementary school days to join us for the celebration.
Jeremy, Justin & Bobby
Jeremy & Justin were both in my 3rd grade class.
What wonderful men they have grown up to be!
Jeremy & Justin are both Veterans of the war in Iraq.
Jeremy is still serving in the Army & is being relocated to Ft. Benning, GA from Hawaii.
Thank you guys for your service to our country!
Jeremy, his wife, Candy & son, Lethe
They're expecting another son in October.
Justin with his girfriend, Vanessa & her 
children Cadence & Colton.

Silly me didn't take pictures of everyone!
We were so busy having fun!
We had a wonderful time enjoying our meal around this table.
Our 'Smoked Meat Fests' have become a tradition for
the 3 summer celebrations, 
Memorial Day, 4th of July & Labor Day.
It's a lot of work, but so worth it!
My sister was a tremendous help for this event.
She was a great sous chef!
I'd make the mess & she'd clean it up.

I tried a new recipe from Pinterest for our meal.
It was a hit!
Corn Casserole 
Corn Casserole-  1 (15 1/4 oz) can whole kernel corn, drained  1 (14 3/4 oz) can cream-style corn  1 (8 oz) package Jiffy corn muffin mix  1 cup sour cream  1/2 cup butter, melted  1 to 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar  Preheat oven to 350F.  Grease a 9- by 13-inch baking dish or large casserole dish.  Mix together the corn, Jiffy, sour cream and butter in a large bowl.  Stir in the cheese.  Pour into the prepared pan.  Bake for 55 minutes, or until golden brown and set.  Let stand 5 minutes be
1 (15 1/4 oz) can whole kernel corn, drained 
1 (14 3/4 oz) can cream-style corn 
1 (8 oz) package Jiffy corn muffin mix 
1 cup sour cream 
1/2 cup butter melted 
1 to 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar Preheat 
heat oven to 350F
Grease a 9- by 13-inch baking dish or large casserole dish
Mix together the corn, Jiffy, sour cream and butter in a large bowl. 
Stir in the cheese. Pour into the prepared pan. 
Bake for 55 minutes, or until golden brown and set.
 Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Other items on the menu 
Smoked baby back ribs, chicken, bologna, pork loin
oven roasted spicy potatoes
cole slaw
onion wedges
baby carrots
hot rolls

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Weekly Words To Live By #102

“Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right;
decide on what you think is right and stick to it.”
T.S. Eliot
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable--
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--
think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

Wishing you a glorious Sunday . . .

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Busy, Fun Saturday

I've been so busy today I'm just now able to stop long enough to do a post.
My sister, Susan, & her hubby Mike arrived last night around 9:30.
We got up early this morning after staying up way too late and enjoyed 
a delicious breakfast at our favorite mom & pop place.
We headed west to our home town, Cushing, OK, to put flowers on 
our parents' & grandparents' graves.
Next, we went downtown to shop at a few antiques shops.
This place used to be a nice dress shop years ago.
It was filled to capacity with interesting things.
This booth had a cute name.
Remember my post about Fibber McGee's Closet?
I have been on the lookout for a shelf for creating a 
grandkids' library in my living room.
I found a shelf perfect for the reading corner.
My sis bought it for me as an early birthday gift.
My BIG birthday isn't until October.
What a nice surprise!
Here it is in it's new home.
I can't wait for the Ethan & Emma to see it!
Susan also brought me several new books for them that she found in Missouri.
She also surprised me when she arrived Friday night with
this sweet picture we had seen at an antique mall in Missouri when we visited in April.
The small picture was $1.00.
She had it enlarged & framed it for me.
I love it!
Thanks sis!

Friday, May 25, 2012

I Couldn't Resist

While shopping at Sam's yesterday I saw something I just couldn't resist.
 red, white & blue
a bouquet for $6.99
I think they look great in this red pitcher!
I also couldn't resist putting this old wrinkly cookout themed tablecloth on our kitchen table.
Things are really shaping up for our weekend holiday celebration!
Our company arrives tonight!

Linking with . . .
Table Top Tuesday 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ice Cream & Cake

Memorial Day weekend is the first unofficial beginning of the summer season.
We always have a smoked meat fest with various delicious sides.
Our tradition is to always make a freezer of homemade ice cream for our weekend celebration.
I found the recipe years ago in my
 Better Homes and Gardens 
New Cook Book 
that I bought soon after I got married.
If you have this one from the 1970s 
the recipe is on page 161.

Vanilla Ice Cream
4 eggs (I use egg substitute)
2 1/2 cups sugar
7 cups milk
3 cups whipping cream
2 1/2 tablespoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt

Beat eggs till light.  Add sugar gradually, beating till thick.
  Add remaining ingredients; mix well.
Freeze in ice cream freezer.
(We use our electric White Mountain freezer.
I highly recommend it!)
Makes 1 gallon.

To go along with the ice cream we're having 
The Pioneer Woman's 
Chocolate Sheet Cake.

This is a re-post from May 4, 2010.
When I read the recipe for PW Chocolate Sheet Cake
it reminded me of the cake my friend, Margie,
made. She was a pastor's wife who could cook
up a storm.
Combine 2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
Set aside.
In another bowl, mix with a fork
1/2 buttermilk
(I didn't have buttermilk so I added 1 tablespoon vinegar to whole milk.)
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
Set aside.
In a medium sauce pan,
melt 2 sticks of butter
add 4 heaping tablespoons cocoa powder.
Whisk together to combine.
Meanwhile bring 1 cup water to a boil.
When the butter is melted pour the boiling
water in the pan. Allow to bubble for a moment,
then turn off the heat.
Pour the chocolate mixture
into the flour mixture.
Stir together for a moment to
cool the chocolate.
Next, pour in the egg mixture.
Stir together until smooth,
then pour into an ungreased
jelly roll pan or
rimmed baking sheet.
Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
While the cake is baking make the icing.
Melt 1 3/4 sticks butter in a sauce pan.
Add 4 tablespoons cocoa powder.
Stir until smooth.
Add 6 tablespoons milk,
1 teaspoon vanilla,
and 1 pound powdered sugar.
Stir together until combined.
I opted not to add pecans.
Immediately after removing the cake
from the oven, pour the warm icing over the top.
After waiting for the cake to cool 
we taste tested the chocolaty goodness.
Delicious, just like Margie used to make! 

What do you plan on having for your Memorial Day weekend celebration?

I'm linking with . . .

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Cold

Hubby & I have both been battling a summer cold.
I know it's not summer, but it feels like summer.
Common symptoms: 
 aches, fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, and runny or stuffy nose.
Hubby is a trooper & has gone to work every day.
I think I've got it worse.
I think I'll buy stock in these two items.
I'm much better today.
I've got to be better.
We're having company this weekend.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Big Beautiful Baby 
Here she is!
Madison Elaine arrived yesterday afternoon in all her glory.
9 lb. 13 oz. 20 1/2 inches long
April (my niece) pushed for a long time
In the end, Madison was born by c-section.
Madison with Daddy Jason
I think she looks just like April when she was born, only a lot bigger.
I don't have a picture of April with the baby yet.

Congratulations to everyone!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Random Monday Memories

It's hard to believe it has been 42 years since I graduated from high school.
While I was cleaning & organizing the guestroom closet I came across an item that shirred up a lot of memories.
This is a decoupaged plague that my Aunt Norma made for me as a graduation gift.
She used the graduation announcement.
I had forgotten that the ceremony was on May 26th, a Tuesday night at 8:00 pm.
Wow, a lot has changed in the world since 1970.
I often think how much easier it would have been during my high school & college years if
we had the internet & computers to help with research & writing term papers, essays & etc.
Long hours were spent in the school & public libraries looking through card catalog files searching for resources.
Pounding away on a manual typewriter was a grueling experience.

Memories, light the corners of my mind . . .
What are some of your graduation memories?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekly Words To Live By # 101

Never lose an opportunity of seeing 
anything beautiful,
God's promise!
for beauty is God's handwriting.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
 He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done
 from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastics 3:11

Wishing you a day filled with beautiful sights . . .

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Snapshots

I'm late posting today.
I'm tired & lazy.
We stayed up late last night to watch the OKC Thunder vs LA Lakers game that didn't start until 9:30.
We lost by 3 points. 

Here are some snapshots of our Saturday so far.
As you can tell by looking at this picture it's super windy today. We may have some thunderstorms later.
Ethan with his new toy gun we bought at a garage sale this morning.
Holster & gun 50 cents.
walking in Daddy's shoes

Here's Emma modeling some cute clothes we bought at a garage sale.
Our friend, Melinda, let us shop Friday evening before the Sat. morning sale.
Thanks Melinda!

There's another late game tonight.
Good thing I took a long nap today!

Friday, May 18, 2012

I Highly Recommend

I enjoyed getting my hair cut at my new favorite salon this morning.

My stylist is Kayleigh, a good friend of my DIL, Kari.
This is my 4th visit to Clary Sage.
I love my new summer cut!
I highly recommend this salon.
If you live in the Tulsa area give them a call & request an appointment with Kayleigh.
Clary Sage Salon & Day Spa
2842 East 101st Street, Tulsa, OK 74137
(918) 995-2777 ‎