Saturday, May 26, 2012

Busy, Fun Saturday

I've been so busy today I'm just now able to stop long enough to do a post.
My sister, Susan, & her hubby Mike arrived last night around 9:30.
We got up early this morning after staying up way too late and enjoyed 
a delicious breakfast at our favorite mom & pop place.
We headed west to our home town, Cushing, OK, to put flowers on 
our parents' & grandparents' graves.
Next, we went downtown to shop at a few antiques shops.
This place used to be a nice dress shop years ago.
It was filled to capacity with interesting things.
This booth had a cute name.
Remember my post about Fibber McGee's Closet?
I have been on the lookout for a shelf for creating a 
grandkids' library in my living room.
I found a shelf perfect for the reading corner.
My sis bought it for me as an early birthday gift.
My BIG birthday isn't until October.
What a nice surprise!
Here it is in it's new home.
I can't wait for the Ethan & Emma to see it!
Susan also brought me several new books for them that she found in Missouri.
She also surprised me when she arrived Friday night with
this sweet picture we had seen at an antique mall in Missouri when we visited in April.
The small picture was $1.00.
She had it enlarged & framed it for me.
I love it!
Thanks sis!


  1. Love the little girl photo. We will just have to make up a name and her life story since we don't know her. ; )

  2. Looks like u are having a wonder holiday weekend. The shelf looks really cute.
    Love u sis

  3. Hi ~ thinking of our Cushing connection. Did you know any of the Mannings? My Aunt Grace was a teacher too, but I'm not sure when she retired. Have a great week end! Blessings xo

  4. Cute little library for the kids!

  5. Super sweet! Thanx for coming to THT!

  6. Hi Carol, sounds like a lot of fun and I laughed thinking your post was similar to mine today. Shopping! I'm you newest follower on Linky and hope you follow me back. Thanks, Helen

  7. Hooray for grandkids! I'm not quite there (although getting close with adult kids!), but I hope I'll have a corner like yours someday!
