Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Madison Pictures

My great niece, Madison, was born on Monday, May 21.
Here are some precious pictures my niece, April sent me last week.
9 lbs 13 oz
20.5 inches long
They had to buy bigger diapers & clothes.
No new born sizes for her!
proud Mommy
Daddy with his girls
Elise is so excited to be a big sister.

so sleepy


  1. There is nothing that compares to a new baby. They are so precious. I love the joy obvious in this family with their new addition. Congratulations to all.

  2. Congratulations Auntie, she's beautiful! How fun to have a baby in the family. xo

  3. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.

    What a little doll :)

  4. Thank you for the sweet post! Love you!

  5. She is a sweetie. What great shots you've captured of their little family.
