Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ice Cream & Cake

Memorial Day weekend is the first unofficial beginning of the summer season.
We always have a smoked meat fest with various delicious sides.
Our tradition is to always make a freezer of homemade ice cream for our weekend celebration.
I found the recipe years ago in my
 Better Homes and Gardens 
New Cook Book 
that I bought soon after I got married.
If you have this one from the 1970s 
the recipe is on page 161.

Vanilla Ice Cream
4 eggs (I use egg substitute)
2 1/2 cups sugar
7 cups milk
3 cups whipping cream
2 1/2 tablespoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt

Beat eggs till light.  Add sugar gradually, beating till thick.
  Add remaining ingredients; mix well.
Freeze in ice cream freezer.
(We use our electric White Mountain freezer.
I highly recommend it!)
Makes 1 gallon.

To go along with the ice cream we're having 
The Pioneer Woman's 
Chocolate Sheet Cake.

This is a re-post from May 4, 2010.
When I read the recipe for PW Chocolate Sheet Cake
it reminded me of the cake my friend, Margie,
made. She was a pastor's wife who could cook
up a storm.
Combine 2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
Set aside.
In another bowl, mix with a fork
1/2 buttermilk
(I didn't have buttermilk so I added 1 tablespoon vinegar to whole milk.)
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
Set aside.
In a medium sauce pan,
melt 2 sticks of butter
add 4 heaping tablespoons cocoa powder.
Whisk together to combine.
Meanwhile bring 1 cup water to a boil.
When the butter is melted pour the boiling
water in the pan. Allow to bubble for a moment,
then turn off the heat.
Pour the chocolate mixture
into the flour mixture.
Stir together for a moment to
cool the chocolate.
Next, pour in the egg mixture.
Stir together until smooth,
then pour into an ungreased
jelly roll pan or
rimmed baking sheet.
Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
While the cake is baking make the icing.
Melt 1 3/4 sticks butter in a sauce pan.
Add 4 tablespoons cocoa powder.
Stir until smooth.
Add 6 tablespoons milk,
1 teaspoon vanilla,
and 1 pound powdered sugar.
Stir together until combined.
I opted not to add pecans.
Immediately after removing the cake
from the oven, pour the warm icing over the top.
After waiting for the cake to cool 
we taste tested the chocolaty goodness.
Delicious, just like Margie used to make! 

What do you plan on having for your Memorial Day weekend celebration?

I'm linking with . . .


  1. I always get brain freeze when I eat homemade ice cream, I guess I just can't shovel it in fast enough. ; ) Looking forward to the Memorial weekend.

  2. Looks like some great treats and eats for Memorial day!

    Thanks for sharing the recipes.

    We are enjoying Heritage Days and the Old Home show, and of course taking flowers to the cemetary.

    Have a great weekend!

    Smiles :)

  3. I have the Betty Crocker's cookbook 1972.
    And I do have a cake recipe like her's Sooo good!
    Great post today as always.

  4. Cute blog and great recipe, it looks so good. I'm a new GFC follower from a blog hop and would love if you followed me at

  5. We must be on the same wave-length today. I was just thinking about making a chocolate sheet cake a little while ago.

  6. I had to breeze thru your post - I'm on the SouthBeach diet and no sweets in the first two weeks. Ughhh. Have a Happy Memorial Day! xo

  7. Sounds like you have a great celebration planned.

  8. Yummy! Betty Crocker recipes are tried and true. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop Big Hugs xo
