Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard 2011 . . .

The storm started last night around 9:00 PM.
Thunder-snow, sleet, freezing rain,
followed by heavy snow.
Here are some pictures taken at 8:00 this morning
from our front door.

8 inches and counting. Heavy, blowing snow
will continue all day.
Stay safe and warm my friends!


  1. We got a couple of inches last night but are waiting for the worst to come later today and into Wednesday. My weather radio is really coming in handy. What a winter! Stay snug and warm my friend!

  2. It is snowing here as well. I had to shovel a path for the oil man so he can make his delivery. I do not want to run out of oil! This has been a winter to remember! Stay save and enjoy watching the falling snow. It is beautiful.

  3. We won't be getting out in this stuff all day. We've got books and movies to entertain ourselves. Stay warm.

  4. That looks really cold! Stay safe and warm:)

  5. Wow! You really got hit with the storm.....so glad that you are safe, and warm.
    Hope February shapes up to be a great month for you :)

  6. Hope you all stay warm and indoors till this is over. The weather man is telling us here that you all are getting slammed.

  7. How can something so cold be so beautiful? We have a lot of fog...the temps are hovering just above freezing.

  8. Oh my, Carol! Stay inside and stay warm! Beautiful pictures!...hugs...Debbie
