Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Day After . . .

The sun is shining.
4 degrees.
Wind chill 10 to 20 below zero.
14 inches of snow!
We set a record.
Roads are horrible.

Yesterday the sun made an appearance
late in the afternoon.
Hubby & son shoveled a lot of snow
to make a path to the front door.
Also, they cleared one side of the driveway.
Hard work!
Thanks guys!

Huge drift outside our dining room window . . .

Nandina bushes . . .

Big piles . . .

Another view . . .

Beauty of the landscape . . .

Hope all my Okie blogging buddies are safe and warm!
Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing.


  1. This will certainly be one of those..'remember when' storms!
    Glad to see that you were able to dig out.
    Hurry Spring!
    Have a happy Wednesday!

  2. Brrr! I have been thinking about all of you folks dealing with the blizzard! Stay warm and safe indoors! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  3. That's a lof snow, even by western NYS standards! Glad the worst is over for you!

  4. Oops, meant to say "a lot of snow!"
    Guess I haven't had enough coffee yet:)

  5. We here in Muskogee are snuggled in and keeping warm. Enjoying the sunshine today.

  6. The sun out here too, but, it is sooo cold out! We're doing good though.. keeping safe and keeping warm.. I am sooo looking forward to SPRING! How bout you?

    Stay safe and warm!


  7. Glad you're safe and sound, and have someone able to shovel all that snow (: I worry about the elderly that can't do that, and figure they have to ask for help ): Stay warm. xo

  8. I was sure thinking about you, you got hit hard.

  9. WOW! That's a lot of snow!
    Stay warm and safe.

    Love you,
