Monday, January 31, 2011

Preparing For A Big Snowstorm . . .

How do you prepare for a snowstorm?
We've stocked up our pantry & fridge
with all kinds of goodies.

We might get a foot of snow!
Sleet & ice before the snow starts.
Falling temperatures into the teens & strong winds.
Single digits overnight.
Hope we don't lose power!
What's your favorite cold weather comfort food?
I'm going to make a big pot of chili tomorrow.


  1. Such a change from this past weekend! I think we're ready for it though. Luckily we have a home generator in case the electricity goes out. We like chili or soup on cold days. From what the weather man says we should get enough snow and I can make some snow ice cream for dessert. LOL! Stay safe and warm!

  2. I'll be thinking about you.
    Hope you stay safe and warm!
    We get quite a lot of snow here in our area of Utah.
    When we know that there is a really bad storm coming, we make certain to have enough wood stacked by the back door to keep the wood stove going.
    And, plenty of hot chocolate!

  3. I canceled my dental appointment for Tuesday---it's about a 70- minute drive into the city where I have kept most of my doctors. I always check to make sure we have milk and OJ before a storm. If it's bad, like they say, I just may bake a loaf of bread---love the aroma. We need wood here at the cabin, too. I sure hope we don't lose power. If we do, I can take a match to light the burneres on our gas stove and turn on the gas fireplace (even tho that is expensive!!!) God does show his beauty in the snow, and I love that part of it!

  4. Yeah, we are expecting snow late Tuesday into Wednesday. UGh, We need to stock up too. You stay warm and enjoy that Chili.. One of my favs.

  5. What was it two years ago we had that ice storm? We are stocked up but it may just glaze us as it goes by. Just hope for the beat for you.

  6. Chili sounds good. I love butter beans and cornbread on a cold day.

  7. I think we will be getting that storm in a a day or two! That is a great question. I will have to say grilled cheese and any kind of soup! Leftover Christmas cookies from the freezer are also a favorite!

  8. I can't believe how much snow you guys have gotten so quickly! Chili sounds wonderful on a day like today. I took the dogs out this morning here in Lakewood, and it was 9 below! Only my eyes were showing. :) Stay warm!
