Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First 2011 Snow . . .

I knew this first snowfall of the season would
not amount to much. The weather forecasters
said so, and they were right.

The snow started Sunday with light flurries.
That evening before dinner I took this
picture of the dining room.
The glow of the lighting gave off a warm & cozy feel.
Hubby grilled some steak.
It looks so funny to see him grilling while
wearing a hat and coat.
The snow kept coming down on Monday.

I took this picture Tuesday morning.
The wind was blowing this ornamental grass.
The high temperature yesterday was 24.

We may have a chance of more snow on Monday.


  1. At first I thought you were saying bye bye to blogging. I am very happy to hear your health is improving! That is great news. Thanks for the pretty pictures of your home! I took a few of my living room yesterday. I am doing a little redecorating and pictures help me decide if I like the change or not. Nothing big just moving things from room to room. The house always looks so bare after Christmas. I hope you enjoyed the steaks!

  2. The high here today is supposed to be 22. Not sure about the wind chill factor though. It's going to be a soup and cornbread lunch day though.

  3. Beautiful pictures Carol!! Hope you are staying nice and warm. We only got snow on Sunday but we still have some of it on the ground since the temperatures have been sooooo cold. Hope you are having a great New Year.♥

  4. It is just to cold, great picture of hubby.

  5. Hi Carol. :) It just didn't really happen here and I was so hoping for it. Well, maybe next week.

    Your home looks beautiful.

  6. Wow... first snow. How beautiful.
    We are still trying to thaw out a bit here. It did get up to 33 degrees today there's hope :)
    Stay warm .

  7. Such a cozy dining room... I know that Oklahoma can get some wild storms and very cold weather. That sounds plenty cold. Snow is very pretty when there's just a bit of it.

  8. Hi, what beautiful pictures. And yes, it is funny to see someone in a coat grilling, but we do it also. We were prepared to grill if we lost power with this crazy weather we are having. Thanks for following, I am following you back.

  9. Very nice pictures Carol. We suffer a bit in Oregon with nothing really pleasant: mostly gray, wet, soggy, cloudy, overcast and about 49 degrees. We do get gorgeous paradise late spring through early September. Blessings to you. Kathi
