Friday, January 14, 2011

Little Red Wagon . . .

I'm wishing for warmer weather . . .

so we can pull Ethan around
in the Radio Flyer wagon we gave him for Christmas.
These pictures were taken at the end of
December when it was warm.

He loves to go fast & squeals with delight.
He is holding his little sister, Emma, doll.
It won't be long until he has to share
the spotlight with Emma.


  1. So cute! That is exactly like the one we have for Mary and she just loves it. She has gotten so much fun and good use out of it with many more years to come:)

  2. Oh I love the pictures. How sweet!!! I am too, wishing for warmer weather. Kathi

  3. What a great gift! I have seen parents and children making great use of these at many large events.
    Concerts, The Farm Show, Art and Craft shows, etc.

  4. So sweet and you have so much to look forward to!

  5. no greater feeling than to entertain the grandkid. So cute!

  6. Hi Carol! How precious! I love the little red wagon and especially the little cargo inside.
    Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me,
    Shelia ;)

  7. These photos are so adorable Carol! I don't know who was enjoying the day the most. I too am looking forward to warmer weather, we have had snow and ice, and we are not used to it.
    Thank you for your visit, and for your sweet comment.

  8. How cute. Aren't the grands fun? I wish the two in Nashville were closer. At least I have one close by.
