Friday, July 30, 2010

5 years . . .

Happy 5th Anniversary Bobby & Kari!

You were a beautiful bride & groom couple.

You're the best parents to our amazing Grandson!
Enjoy celebrating your special day!
Mom & Dad


  1. Happy Anniversary to your son and his wife! Oh, and you are so lucky to have a beautiful little grandson! My son is only 19, so I WILL wait, but I "can't wait" til I am a grandmother! Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a Follower - I just became a Follower of yours! :)
    Best regards,

  2. Congratulations !
    What a wonderful thing to have such great parents that work together and love your sweet grandbaby.

  3. It's wonderful to see your kids succeed and be good parents! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to them!

  4. Happy Anniversary to the lovely couple with the cute baby. I still want to make your squash dish, maybe today!

  5. Happy Anniversary, Bobby and Kari! Your little guy is so adorable! I was reminded of Charlie Brown when I looked at his little shirt.

    Carol, I am a new grandma and my little guy is 4 months old today! He just started to roll over, so before we know it he will be sitting up!

    Have a super day, Carol!

  6. Happy Anniversary to your son an daughter-in-law!
