Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Easy Squash Dish . . .

Our little 'Victory Garden' has been giving us lots of yellow squash.
I decided to do an experimental recipe.

Spray casserole dish with Pam.
Line dish with one layer of sliced squash.
Add in this order . . .
onion flakes
bread crumbs
pats of butter
shredded cheese of your choice
I used Monterey Jack
bake at 375 degrees
for 20 to 25 minutes
until brown
Hubby and I loved it!
Very tasty!
So good that I made it again!

If you decide to try this recipe let me know what you think.


  1. YUM, I love squash and this recipe sounds DELICIOUS! I plan on trying it soon!♥

  2. It looks so good! We'll have to try it. I have a couple of small squash to use.

    Becky K.

  3. Wow that sounds really good and really easy! Thanks for the recipe.

  4. I was given yellow squash yesterday and I was going to google some recipes but I will try this tomorrow. We are having electrical work done and we will be without power for most of the day so I will have to make it for supper! It sounds good!

  5. Carol that sounds wonderful! I will give this a try. Paul and I both love, love, love squash!

  6. I wish I liked squash. I keep trying to like it but find I never like it when I cook it, only when someone else prepares it. What time is dinner?

  7. looks so good Carol,
    I left to soon!
    Have a great day

  8. Hi Carol!
    Delicious looking recipe!!!
    I've been doing a similar thing with our squash, only on the stove top. I cook it with butter, salt and pepper and then when it's tender I sprinkle on the cheese, and top with crushed croutons. The men in my family are gobbling it up.... it's been using the squash up :)
    Hope you have a great day!

  9. This sounds wonderful! I hope to get some squash this weekend and I'm going to give this recipe a shot.

  10. I've only seen those as dried pods. I had no idea they were edible! Looks delish :)

  11. Carol this really looks delicious. Squash is one of my favorite veggies. I'll try it very soon.

    Blessings to you sweet friend.
    ~Melissa :)

  12. How I wish I could develop a liking for squash! People always give me the overflow from their gardens and what to do with it! Yes, I think I will try this recipe. I know how good squash is for you and I keep trying. The only kind I really like is the dark orange, acorn squash and only at Thanksgiving. Thanks for the recipe! Looks so good.

  13. Nothing like squash in season...I love it so much! You made me laugh when you said our baby was being stubborn! :D
