Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekly Words To Live By #16 . . .

The best way to cheer yourself up is try to
cheer somebody else up.
~Mark Twain

Nothing cheers me up more than getting
a thoughtful card or note in the mailbox.
I'm challenging myself & all of you
to spread a little cheer & sunshine
this week by way of 'snail mail'.


  1. It is really true how much it does it lift our own spirits when we reach out to someone else.
    A good goal for th week.
    Have a great Sunday!

  2. Thanks for this reminder. I know just who to send a card to. :) Love the music today.

  3. Once a week I send a card to someone. For any reason. I remember how my dad loved to get cards in the mail. It brightened his day.

  4. I love to get mail but don't get much any more a sign of the times I guess.

  5. Great suggestion, Carol! Email has made a slug out of me in the snail mail department! lol I hope you are having a great weekend!..hugs...Debbie

  6. So true! I love sending and receiving notes---the old fashioned kind, via snail mail. I love picking out note cards that reflect what I love. I have received so many cards since my surgery. What a blessing they all are. Thanks for encouraging us to do somethinng for others.

  7. That's a great idea Carol! I don't know anyone who doesn't like going to the mailbox and finding a greeting card in there as opposed to bills and junk mail. I need to send a card this week for no other reason that to make someone's day. Thanks so much for the idea. :)
