Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tornado Alley . . .

You might be wondering why I haven't posted my usual PW recipe today. I was busy yesterday watching the weather. Today I got to play with Ethan. When he's here I make it my priority to spend time with him.

Yesterday, Oklahoma was reminded that we do live in Tornado Alley.I started watching the tornado watches & warnings at lunch time. All the conditions were right for severe thunderstorms & tornadoes. I called Kari around 4:00 to tell her a tornado was sited near Stillwater. Stillwater is located about 90 miles west of Tulsa. This storm system was moving fast. About 70 miles per hour. Soon after Kari & Ethan arrived people started showing up. I'm so glad we have a storm shelter that holds about 12 people. Thankfully we were spared a tornado warning. Warnings were given in areas west, north, & south of us. In total 5 people died in storm yesterday. There are lots of injured people & great lose of homes & businesses.
If you're an Okie blogger I hope you are okay & were not harmed by the storm. Let's keep our fingers crossed that severe weather will stay away for a while.


  1. Carol,
    I am so glad that you guys are ok!~ Living in the West, I don't know that much about tornado's and so I've been trying to learn. Darlene at darlene's days blog has given me some great information. My husband is at retirement age and we are thinking about moving to that area of the nation, but we have wondered how folk deal with the tornado's . Most people around here have basements and so I thought that would be a safe place. She told me about the shelters. I guess people just deal with the hazards of living in tornado alley ?!
    I am so glad that you guys are safe and have a safe shelter. How long does the tornado season last?

  2. Glad you all are ok! Hopefully we wont get more this evening. We are watching!

  3. I saw that on the news and thought of the bloggers I know that live around there...so glad you are ok! That would be so scary to me! This whole season has been crazy every where! Come say hi :D

  4. I thought of you when I heard about the tornadoes in Oklahoma, Carol. So glad to hear you were spared and are okay. So sorry to hear of the deaths and destruction.
    Hope it clears up and you have a nice rest of the week! It is 47 degrees here today and rainy- so we are still having some chilly weather until the weekend.

    Take care! And so glad to hear that you got to spend time with Ethan!! Our little grandsons were here Sunday-- so fun!!:)


  5. So glad you have a storm shelter most of the storms move up from us but many times they come across this way.I have been trying to get hubby to put a storm shelter in the floor of the garage.

  6. Glad you are okay. It missed us in our county. Thank God!

  7. I am so glad that you are ok. We live about a half hour away from Norman.. We were definately keeping up with the weathermen on our news channel! I always dread tornado season coming around! Thank God none hit in our area! My thoughts and prayers are with the families who lost their homes, businesses and love one's caused by the tornado's.. So heartbreaking..


  8. Carol, I'm so glad you were safe from the storms. Tornadoes are so frightening. My prayers go out for those afflicted.

  9. Morning Carol,

    It was a crazy evening wasn't it?!? Glad you didn't have the sirens go off in your area. We did and ended up in and out of the shelter twice. It is so sad to see all the devestation all over the news. We ended up with four homes around our area destroyed and several more with major damage. It looks like there will be some more crazy weather today. We will see.

  10. Thank the Lord you were not hit by the storms. As you know we have family in the Oklahoma City area. We are keeping them in our prayers and all is well with them so far.

  11. Oh my goodness, I'm glad your area was not hit. But so sad to watch the destruction on the news.
    Take care and stay safe,
    Mary Lou

  12. Good Morning Carol!
    I'm hoping and praying that you folks stay safe today. I saw on the news that your area of the country is expecting more crazy weather. Stay safe.

  13. I hope this tornado season ends quickly for everyone in OK! Glad you are having fun with Ethan. They are so cute at his age!

  14. I'm glad to hear you made it through okay. I'm sure it's a little scary every time.

  15. Carol, I am so glad that you are okay with all these nasty storms that has gone through Oklahoma these past few days! I live in Oklahoma City, which isn't real far from Norman, where the tornado hit. Our area where I live wasn't hit. I always dread when tornado season rolls around our way! I am hoping that the storms stay away for a while, but one can never tell.. I've been wondering where the sunshine is?? It's so cold and windy here today..

    Take care now!


  16. This Okie blogger is fine too, but we sure did have a scary evening Mon.
    The tornado's were way too close for comfort!
    Several homes were destroyed in a town just 8 miles from us and the tornado that destroyed the Love's store was about 20 miles from us. My husband drives right by it every day on his way to work and back. He had been home over an hour when it hit there, thank God!
    So many have been without power & some without water too. At least 7 people I work with were without power. It was bad. When the siren sounded, we were in the closet.
    Last night's storm did a lot of damage where I live.

    Glad you & your family were safe!
