Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Slept Through It . . .

Hubby is out of town on business so I stayed up until about 2:00 AM monitoring the weather.
I decided the severe weather was over for our area, so I crawled in bed to get some sleep.
I had no idea that severe weather had popped up a couple of hours after I fell asleep.
I must have really been tired to have slept through this storm! My son called at 5:45 AM to ask if I had power, I did, but they didn't. They live about 5 miles from my house.
I turned on the TV to find out just how bad the storm was. Tulsa schools and several others are closed today because they have no power, plus there are trees and power lines down all over the area.

They say they don't think there were tornadoes, but from the looks of the damage to this house I can't believe straight winds of 60 to 80 miles an hour could have caused this.
I'm thinking we need to sign up with a local TV channel that calls you if severe weather is headed your way!
I'm so thankful we received no damage.
I hope you're having beautiful spring weather in your neck of the woods!


  1. THANK goodness nothing hit your home when you were asleep. That is when the weather is the the middle of the night. We get that call if tornados are headed our way. It gives me peace of mind to be able to sleep when the weather is crazy! It is POURING, thundering and lightning away here right now (I'm getting ready to get off the computer for a while) but it is only showing severe thunderstorms at this point. We will watch and see..........

  2. Holy Moly...
    I tend to agree with you ! I think it was a tornado!! Quite a few years ago (2001-2002, I think) we had a tornado in Manti Utah. Where we lived at the time.
    I remember we went for a ride to a neighboring town and saw what looked like a gigantic bowl of clouds stirring. I even made a comment to my husband that it reminded me of the tornados I had seen on the news before. Well, when we got back to town, there had indeed been a tornado. None of the people in the know thought so... national weather service, FEMA , etc... Because Manti is surrounded by mountain. But after investigation, it was determined to be a tornado all right. There were a few houses in town that looked just like the house in your photo!!
    Thanks for the sweet comments, and I will be wishing for good weather for you folks in your part of the country today.
    Have a fun and safe day, my friend!!

  3. We had some major winds last night but no bad storms. WHEW...spring in Oklahoma is stressful!

  4. We in California would like to have earthquake warnings too. :) So far, it's even difficult to get insurance for such a thing.
    I'm glad you had no damage. You have to wonder about people like me who live right on top of the San Andrea's fault line and people like you who live in Tornado prone area's. Usually it was where we were born..or someone took us there.
    Yep, I would say you are a very sound sleeper or it didn't get as bad right where you are. Was your yard torn up at all? We get high Santa Ana winds that tear things to pieces. As I write this I can see a large palm frond hanging by a thread from a very tall tree on the street behind us. I am hoping it doesn't hurt anyone when it finally lets go. Weather...yep..warnings would be nice...
    There is some sort of threat no matter where you live. :)
    I'm glad you are alright!


  5. Thankful that you did not have damage. That is scary to wake up to find what you missed.

  6. no damage here in Stillwater, just lots of rain.
    There is a tornado alarm in our little addition and it is really loud. So hopefully that will keep us alert.

    I've been watching your Tulsa area damage - awful!

  7. I had my eye on that storm because all of my family is in Tulsa. Very scarey, for sure. Glad you're ok!!!!!

  8. My 80-something aunt lives in Tulsa in a convent. Yikes, that looks scary. So glad you all are okay!

  9. I'm so glad you were safe and sleeping! That picture is just amazing. We had a willow tree in our backyard fall on our house in 1997 - they called that straight line winds- probably was- a swing set sitting right beside it didn't move! So crazy!:)
    In our county, they sell weather radios at cost ($25) at city and county buildings- a great idea.

    Anyway- stay safe, Carol! It is so smart that you have a shelter to go in to!!
    Have a great weekend!

  10. Carol, I had no idea all of that happened last night! We have company now for graduation weekend and we were up visiting until 11 or so. I'm so glad y'all are ok!!

  11. Oh, my goodness, Carol! I'm so glad to know you're safe and didn't get any damage! You must have been exhausted to have slept right through all of that!
    Take care.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Wow, thank goodness you are all OK!

  13. We are looking for thunderstorms to night. Spring can just move on now.

  14. Carol I am so glad you are safe and all is ok!!

  15. I've been away from the computer for a few days. Glad to hear you are fine. I say sign up for everything that gives you weather alerts! Yikes, that is scary. I can not imagine what tornado season is like. I don't like severe thunderstorms! We haven't had a really bad storm in years. Once in a great while we will have toronado warning, when the weather is right for one. But they never develope.
    Take care,
