Sunday, May 9, 2010

Legacy Of Love . . .

I'm linking up with my niece, April, for her
Mother's Day tribute.
"The Greatest thing I have learned from my mother..."
I hope you'll visit April today!

I cherish the memories of my Mother, Helen. Her love, kindness, beautiful singing voice, & generous heart are a legacy of love to her family. She loved the Lord. I find sweet comfort in knowing that I will see her again in heaven. I thank God for my wonderful mother.

My Mother taught me so much in her lifetime, but the greatest thing she taught me was to love others just as Christ loves you.

A new commandment I give to you,
That you love one another; as I have loved you . . .
John 13:34

Mothers hold their children's
hands for a short while,
but their hearts forever.


  1. Your mom is so beautiful and it sounds tome like she taught you the right things too. April has a very pretty mom too...have a great day tomorrow! :D

  2. Grandma was beautiful inside and out. She is a special lady! Thank you for sharing.

    Happy Mother's Day!


  3. What a nice tribute to your mom. And thanks for sharing the link to April's. Happy Mother's Day ~Natalie

  4. Happy Mother's day!!
    Hope it is a wonderfu one, and dish-pan hands free :)

  5. Happy Mother's Day Carol!♥

  6. What a beautiful mother! In ALL ways!
    I know you miss her still as I do my mom.

    This was very sweet! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  7. Carol, what a sweet tribute to Mom.
    She was the picture of Christ unconditional love. Her quiet, gental spirit is what I will always cherish and never forget. Happy Mothers day sis! With love.

  8. God truly blessed you with a wonderful mother. A belated Happy Mother's Day to you.

  9. What a sweet post, Carol! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  10. What a beautiful tribute to your mom! I pray you had a really great day with your family! Many blessings to you. Hugs, Elena

  11. You were blessed with a wonderful mother. Mother's Day is always tinged with a bit of sadness for those of us who have lost our moms. I'm happy for you that you know you will see her again.

  12. Your mother was such a striking and beautiful woman! What great lessons she taught you!!
