Love is kind.
1 Corinthians 13 : 4
The dictionary defines "kindness" as an attribute of someone who is gentle, generous, friendly, and benevolent. What a beautiful picture of how God extends Himself. And what a great example for you as you reach out to those around you.
Kindness is more than an attitude; it's an action. It looks for ways to meet needs and make others smile. Pause for a moment and think about all the ways God has been kind to you. Then, ask Him to help you extend yourself in kindness to those whose lives you touch ~including the strangers who move through your life each day.Your actions may be just the answer to prayer someone needs.
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness,making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.Washington Irving Taken from ~ God's Daily Answer
Hello Carol!
What a lovely collection of quotes and thoughts on the often underrated quality of kindness!! I agree, one small act of kindness could absolutely turn someone's day around. I know that I have been the welcome recipient of many a kind act over the years~~many arrived just when I was in MOST need of them. Consequently, I try to return the kindness (literally :) whenever the opportunity arises.
Blessings and good thoughts to you!
Kindness is a special word. Thanks for the Quotes to warm a heart on this cold Sunday.
Just perfect. You always come up with the best thoughts. :)
Beautifully shared.
I love the thought of "Simple Acts of Kindness".
Like to give it.
Like to receive it.
Beautiful post Carol. I know it is cliche, but I do think the world would be a much better place if everyone extended kindness to others. You have been one of those who extended kindness to me in cyber world, and I am so thankful for that. Have a wonderful 2010! laurie
We need encouragement from each other and this was one for me! Thanks Carol! Who would have thought Aesop would have such a great quote??
Kindness is something to constantly aspire too. Thanks for sharing this Carol.
What a great post! Thank you for sharing all of these lovely quotes. I also like the music I hear here.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Kindness if something we can all give for nothing.
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