Saturday, March 28, 2009


(Snow On Saturday)
After thunderstorms & heavy rain on Friday the
snow started early this morning.
I'm posting this at 11:00 & the heavy snow
is still coming down.
Here are some before & after pictures from outside our house.

Redbud tree beyond our brick wall.

Tulips are ready to bloom.

Our flaming maple tree.

Pansies & tulips.

The snow is expected to continue
falling all day.
The temperature is 32 & will dip
into the 20s tonight.

I'm going to enjoy the day by reading your blogs!!!


  1. Your redbud tree looks eerie with the snow on it!! I am sorry your Spring got frozen.

  2. Oh dear! And you were so much farther into Spring than we are.

    Well, snow is lovely. Glad you can just be home and don't have to travel.


  3. We have been watching your weather yesterday and today. What a mess, we had rain and the wind is bad. I think we will miss the snow.If these plants don't make it because of so much rain. The Bennie said we may have to plant water lilys.LOL

  4. Here's hoping it won't last too long!

  5. loved the before and after pics!
    The snow is beautiful!

  6. Hi Carol! My sweet hubby went out and covered my tulips and hostas. My tulips are blooming! Beautiful.

    We've had just enough snow to dust everything. It's really a nice day for the pot of soup I have cooking slowly.

    Enjoy your day!

  7. Oh Carol...How sad! The pansies will be fine...but the'll have to keep us posted. Two years ago we had an Easter freeze and had to start from scratch. Enjoy being cozy inside!!...Debbie

  8. The top end of that storm is suppose to reach us any minute now, w/3-5" of snow. We are not so far into our season of Spring as you are, so not quite so painful though!

    Hope it melts quickly for you and doesn't zap your pretty flowers!

    Linda C

  9. stay warm and dry...hope the trees don't break...
    are you sure you don't live here?

  10. We were blessed to only have VERY cold weather (and some rain yesterday) in Duncan where the swap meet was.
    We just got home and there was zero snow on the ground all the way home.
    There's no snow on the ground at home either.

    You all got a lot! Isn't it crazy?
    Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    I'm glad to be home! Hopefully I'm here to stay put for a while.

    Stay warm!

  11. Are you getting tired of winter, Carol? I sure am. We had light snow but today it's nice and sunny. Not real warm though. Poor trees don't know what is going on.
    Stay warm

  12. Carol, this is amazing! Stay warm and cozy! laurie

  13. Everything was so far along. I hope they don't freeze. Our trees were starting to bud. Now, our temps are suppose to get down to 16 degrees. I hate that. We are suppose to get more snow, too!
    Have a great weekend. Be cozy!
    Hugs, Terrie

  14. I love these before and after snow pictures. It snowed here all day yesterday, but the sun is out and it is melting fast today.

    Looks like you were about to have an explosion of wonderful Spring color. I do hope the snow hasn't caused too much damage.

  15. I knew you probably got a lot of snow. We just got a few flurries on Saturday morning...nothing that stuck at all.
