Sunday, March 29, 2009

Children . . .

Children are a heritage from the Lord . . .
Psalm 127:3

Our sweet grandson, Ethan . . .

When Jesus was here on Earth, He often took time for children. He held them, blessed them, and told His disciples that their tender innocence and simple faith were the essence of the Kingdom of God.

If you have children, you no doubt know that God has entrusted you with a most precious treasure. He expects you to give them your very best and raise them with an understanding of His goodness and grace.

Just as an archer aims and then shoots an arrow toward his target, God has given you the ability to direct and send forth your children. And He has also given you His word that He will be there to help you, every step of the way.

Children must be valued as our most priceless possession.
James Dobson
Taken from 'God's Daily Answer' . . .


  1. Thanks for this. I know that I am blessed, but still getting over the shock! ;O)

  2. P.S. Love those tulips - they are my favorite flower!

  3. And now I have three great grand son's. The Lord bless and keep them. A men

  4. Excellent message! Our children are a precious treasure!!
    Thanks for sharing this!

  5. What a sweet picture of Ethan!!

    I also love your pictures of the tulips. We have fresh snow this morning and I'm thinking my tulips aren't going to want to show their faces til next month at this rate. I posted flower pictures yesterday, too! :)

    blessings to you~

  6. Absolutely nothing is sweeter than a sleeping baby! He is such a cutie, Carol!...Debbie

  7. What a sweet reminder that our children are truly a blessing from the Lord.

  8. Very true!
    Ethan is so precious. I cannot wait until the day
    I'm a grandmother. How fun it must be!
    The weather was amazing today here. What about in Tulsa?
