Monday, March 30, 2009

Sharing A Discovery . . .

I made a delightful discovery a few
days ago & wanted to share
it with everyone!
I found this wonderful blog for
Weight Watcher recipes!

I tend to prepare the same meals
over & over again so this gives me great options.
I really like the way the recipes are in categories.

Even if you're not doing the Weight Watcher's plan I think anyone wanting to cook & eat healthy will appreciate what they'll find.

Visit Gina & tell me what you think . . .

By the way, if you read my Saturday post you might be interested to know we received 8" of snow. Sunday was a beautiful day & most of the snow melted. I think my tulips are going to be okay!


  1. Hi Carol...thanks for sharing the WW recipe website...I've already added it to my favorites list!
    ;-) Bo

  2. Carol - I went to the site and already saw things I would like to make - the eggplant and those egg/broccoli bites! Thanks for sharing! (We had some snow this weekend too!)

  3. Eight inches?!?

    Glad it is nearly gone.

    I will check out this site. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Eight inches of snow?!?!? Oh my goodness! Thanks for sharing the website Carol. I do like to eat healthy. I'll have to check it out. Hope you have a great day today!

  5. EIGHT inches????? WOW!! I figured you would get a lot from what the weather forecaster was saying. We just had some flurries and nothing that stuck.

  6. Carol, I am so excited to get those WW recipes - they really come up with some good ones. Oh, and I am called Nana by one grandchild, but 3 of the younger ones switched to Nina, and the 2 youngest aren't talking yet! Linda

  7. This sounds good, Carol. I will check it out.



  8. Thanks for the blog site. I will try some of the recipe. Years ago I did WW. NEED IT MORE THEN EVER NOW.

  9. I'm going to go check out this site. Unfortunately, I've given up on the weight loss thing, but I do need to eat healthier. Thanks for the link. laurie

  10. Thanks so much for posting my site! What a nice surprise! You don't have to be on weight watchers to make these recipes. They are just everyday healthy meals I feed myself and my family (who don't count points)

  11. Looks like a great resource.

    I *so* need to do WW...
