Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Guys . . .

Pictures of my guys . . .

On Sunday we stopped by for a
short visit to love on Ethan.
Papaw is talking & Ethan seems
to be listening to every word.
Don't you just love that cute shirt?!?!

We went over to see Ethan again on
Monday because we missed him so much!
Ethan is wearing the outfit that
his daddy wore home from the hospital.

Look at those eyes!


  1. Carol - he is so precious and beautiful!!

  2. He's precious! I know I've said that but he is. You can see that he wants to talk to everyone. :)

  3. That first picture is so wonderful! You can just see Ethan absorbing every word...Precious!

  4. Great pictures of Ethan. He looks so much like Bobby. He really looks like a Berryman. He is a cutie. Love you Mary

  5. Hi Carol...it is amazing how such a tiny little bundle can change our lives completely, isn't it? Your guys are adorable! ;-) Bo

  6. So sweet, he is just precious.

  7. I love the pics! Aren't our guys great?!


  8. Great pictures. The expression on Ethan's face on the first pic is so cute! You sound like my in-laws. They come to see Mary in middle of the week and we go see them every Sunday! I know his mom misses Mary in between:) They are such great grandparents!

  9. I know you can't stay away from him for long. He is just so precious! He does seem to be listening quite intently to EVERY word!♥

  10. Handsome!! You are SO blessed!

  11. Ethan is so cute-- and how sweet is that when they watch your face sooo intently and listen?!! Love it!

    We finally got to Milwaukee Sunday to see our grandson Sam! He called me "Gammy" for the first time:) Melted my heart:)) He's at that stage where he tries to repeat words back to you- one of my favorite stages:)

    Each stage is so precious. That is so nice that you can see him often! Nothing better that a baby fix!

    Have a great week!
    Linda C

  12. Ethan really does look very tuned in to what Papaw is saying. He's so alert!

    I'll be the same way when I'm a grandma. I'll not want to miss very many days not seeing my precious little one.

    So sweet!

  13. I love that first picture. He really seems to know who is talking to him. He is growing fast.

  14. The first picture is my favorite too...it does look like he wants to say something back!! Enjoy ~Natalie

  15. Love that first picture. He looks so interested in everything that his pawpaw is saying to him.

  16. Carol,these pictures are wonderful. That one where he is listening to his granddad is priceless! I love that he has the outfit that his dad wore home from the hospital. He and his dad are a good looking pair of guys! I'm so glad that you live close enough to visit him often. laurie

  17. I love the picture with Pawpaw and Ethan!! Cayden is always happy on the changing table!!

    Love seeing your pictures!! Nana!!
