Friday, March 27, 2009

You've Got to Be Kidding ! ! !

I can't believe it!
The weather forecasters
are predicting
a spring snow storm
for Oklahoma!

It could look like this by
Saturday afternoon!

We may receive up to 6 inches
here in the Tulsa area.

Counties to the northwest
of us may
get 12 inches!

You've got to be kidding!!
My tulips are blooming!!


  1. Hi Carol...can you believe this crazy weather...we're hoping it's our "Easter spell"...are those YOUR tulips in the header photo? Absolutely glorious pic! ;-) Bo

  2. Hi Carol,

    Get your flowers covered and bundle up. They are saying some places could have record snowfalls. We are only predicted to get rain in my area but we need that desperately so that would be just fine with me. The weather seems to have gone nutty last night and today. I am so glad we didn't get any of the weather they were having right across the border in Texas last night. They were also just saying somewhere in Oklahoma it was hailing heavily this morning.....CRAZY weather!

  3. I know, just pray the weather doesn't pose a problem for Grant's wedding in 2 weeks. Get you hot chocolate and puzzles ready! Ha
    have a great Friday

  4. Carol - I think you stole our Michigan weather - lol! You can keep it! (We are getting snow here on Saturday.)

  5. Oh no! We get a lot of your weather here in Arkansas, whole the snow.

  6. I'm boo hooing here. I don't want this winter weather any more!

  7. Oh wow, snow is every where back there. I have a friend in Boulder, Colorado that said there was a white out blizzard there yesterday! Spring weather is so unperdictable! Keep safe and warm. Blessings to you this weekend. Love, Elena

  8. It's ridiculous isn't it? We got snow the last couple of days. Not a lot though, and most of it is gone. But boy, it's cold.

  9. Oh Carol I sure hope it doesn't look like that. I'm sorry and I know you are too that you are getting any. Try to stay warm. Isn't that silly for me to be saying as I sit here with shorts and a t shirt on?!??!
