Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Vision . . .

Happy Monday everyone!
It's 'Groundhog Day'!
My goodness January flew by.
Only 18 more days until Ethan is scheduled to make his appearance!
I keep wondering if he will arrive early.
We're so excited!

Did you watch the Super Bowl last night?
It was an exciting game!
Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers!

We picked up our 3D glasses at the grocery story on Saturday.

It was fun watching the commercials at half time.
Bobby & Kari look super cool!

But, the coolest of all was Hubby Bob!

Until tomorrow . . .
have a great day!!!!


  1. Looks like you all had a lot of fun watching the game and commercials! I got my glasses too but didnt watch the game.

  2. Too funny! I'm glad you took pics!
    We didn't get the glasses...but we enjoyed the game!

  3. How funny! No way of getting around it, 3D glasses just aren't up with fashion :)

    We had a Super Bowl rib dinner at our church and watched the game together.

  4. Looks like they were at the movie theater back in the 50's ha Looks like you all had a great time.
    Yes the game was exciting.
    Love you

  5. How funny! I'm so out of touch with sports that I didn't know that the 3D thing was going on! I wish I'd known...I would have at least watched the commercials!! Have a great week! I know you are counting the days!!!! ...Debbie

  6. GM Carol...Yes I watched Super bowl doesn't everyone?? and girl I didn't even know about the 3-D thing until Len told me..and then it was like how come you didn't get our glasses..I mean come on I did all the cooking and running into the kitchen all day to get his snacks..oh well no late now to shoot him..YAHOO!! baby coming soon..are you already girl..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. I didn't know about the glasses.
    Did you check out our Nicolas Alexander to be? On my blog.

  8. Hi Carol...I know you are counting the days for sure till Baby Ethan arrives! Big smiles, ;-) Bo

  9. Laughed at the photo of your hubby in the 3 d glasses - he looked so serious!

  10. I watched the game too, but didn't know about the glasses.
    I know these next few weeks are going to be so exciting for you...the baby countdown.

  11. LOL, I never even knew we were supposed to get 3-D glasses for the game. I'm sure it was fun. :)

