Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gentleness . . .

Let your gentleness be know to everyone.

Philippians 4:5

Like a snowflake that falls silently from the sky, softly coming to rest on a tender branch, a person who exhibits gentleness touches the lives of others. Such a person's loving presence never demands center stage and yet is noticed. A gentle person know that gentleness is not a symptom of weakness, but a sign of strength. That's because such a person is secure in who God has created him or her to be.

God, though all-powerful, is also gentle. When you choose not to force your plans, opinions, or desires upon others, you imitate Him. When you return a gentle word for a harsh one or offer a tender embrace to a troubled heart, you are showing the world that you are your Father's child.

Power can do by gentleness

what violence fails to accomplish.

Latin Proverb


  1. Thank you for this prettiness on this Sunday morning...
    hugs, bj

  2. That is so true. I know I am more drawn to a gentle person.♥ Have a wonderful Sunday Carol.

  3. Good Sunday morning Carol.

  4. Carol

    I NEEDED THIS SO MUCH TODAY! I am having such a hard time because of some things going on in my husbands family with a terminal illnesses, it is between my husband and a sister, last night I just couldn't sleep. I told my daughter in law just to keep smiling at them and keep doing what is right no matter what they do, but I was having an anger dwell up in me and your scripture spoke to me, I feel a peace after reading your post...knowing that what I am doing is right and not wimpy I am actually stronger by controlling myself. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I copied your post into my prayer journal and I am using your scripture for my memory verse. Thank you for letting God use you to reach me today sweet sister!!!!

  5. Even the word "gentleness" has a beautiful ring to it... ;-) Bo

  6. Carol, this is not only beautifully written, but SO true! Thank you for sharing this. It is lovely.

    The Lord bless you...


    Sheila :-)

  7. How these truths make me stop and reflect. Thank you Carol. I love gentle people...they linger in the heart's memory.

  8. That is just so beautifully written. Thank you for sharing with us. Blessings to you ♥
