Monday, January 5, 2009

Tribute To Anna . . .

Today my heart is heavy with grief. My dear friend, Anna, passed away Sunday evening. She had been battling cancer for about a year. She retired from teaching during the 3rd 9 weeks of school in 2008 because of her health challenges.

Anna and I became friends over 30 years ago when she came to our school to teach 1st grade. She was a wonderful teacher who cared so deeply for her students. She touched thousands of children with her dedication and love. We shared so much together during our years of friendship. Our sons were born just a few weeks apart in 1981. We taught 3rd & 4th grade together for many years. What fun we had sharing ideas! Anna's spirited laughter and humor will be missed by all of us who knew and loved her. I take comfort in knowing Anna is in heaven with the Lord. Her suffering has ended.

Please pray for her husband, two sons, daughter~in~law, three grandchildren, mother, step father, & other family members. I know the days ahead will be difficult.


  1. Oh Carol...I am so sorry you have lost a friend! I have been spared that pain thus far in my life. Her family will certainly be in my prayers, as well as you, my friend!...hugs..Debbie

  2. Oh Carol, I'm sorry for you and your friends love ones. You and all of them will be in my prayers.


  3. I'm so sorry for your loss and sadness. What a gift you had in such a long life friendship. I'm sure she left a huge impact on her students and this world.

  4. This is my first stop by your blog and I wanted to express my heartfelt sympanthies. I am so sorry for your loss. Knowing that your friend is finally at peace is a great comfort to all who knew her, I'm sure.

  5. I am so sorry that you have "lost" this friend. I know that is such a weird expression...but how else to say it?!?

    I will be thinking of you and of her family as they begin their journey through grief.


  6. I'm sorry to hear this news. I pray for peace for you and your friends family during this time.

  7. Carol, I know Anna was dear to your heart. All the good and bad times of dealing with Kids and Parents as you both taught side by side will remain in your heart.
    Love and Prayers coming your way this morning.
    Love you

  8. I am so sorry! Many prayers for you and Anna's family!

  9. Carol. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Her family as well as you will be in my thoughts and prayers..hugs ~lynne~

  10. Carol~~

    I am sorry to hear that you lost a dear friend. You and your friends family will be in my prayers.

    Tons of HUGS....Coming your way.

  11. I am so very sorru...Ann

  12. It is so hard to lose a close friend, happy that you have so many good memories to reflect on at this time. The family and you are in my prayers.

  13. 30 years is a long friendship! I am so sorry that you lost your dear friend - prayers to you and for her family.

  14. Hi Carol:
    That truly is sad to lose a long time friend. It's wonderful though that you have such great memories of your times together.
    I hope her family can remember her in good times and that the sick times will fade from their memories.

  15. oh girl...I am so sorry for your loss! she sounds like a very special person and the world will not be the same without her. What she did leave behind was a good memory. I will pray for you and her family!

  16. I'm so sorry about Anna.
    Sounds like she was an awesome person who
    brightened lots of lives.
    She is definitely in a better place. No more pain, no more suffering. I know she'll be missed though.
    Keeping you and her family and friends in my prayers.

  17. My porfound sympathy. "Blessed is the influence of one true,loving humam being upon another".
    By George Eliot

  18. I am so sorry you lost your friend. It sounds like she gave a lot to this world before she left it, but that doesn't make it easier for you and her family. You and her family will be in my prayers. laurie

  19. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I will be praying for her family and all who are grieving on the passing of her spirit.

  20. Hi, Carol
    So so sorry to hear about your friend.. Prayers and thoughts for you and her family.

  21. God Bless and Rest Your Friend Anna...God Bless and Comfort her family and friends who miss her. Prayers are sent to you and all concerned. God Bless.

  22. I'm so sorry for your loss of a dear friend, Carol.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I will come visit you again. Kathi

  23. I am so sorry for your loss Carol. I will be praying for you and all of her family and friends. Life on this earth can be so hard sometimes. It is neat knowing that we will see our loved ones in Christ again some day.

    Gentle hugs, Sharon

  24. So sorry for the loss of your good friend. Her friendship was a gift that you can carry in your heart. I will be praying!
