Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Classic Baby Bed . . .

I appreciate so much all the kind words I received on Monday's post. Your thoughts & prayers are certainly helping me. Thank you friends.

This past Sunday afternoon we put together Bobby's baby bed. When we took it out of attic we were very pleased how well it had survived years of storage. How old does something have to be in order to earn the title 'antique'? I guess this baby bed would be considered a 'classic' since it's 28 years old. Bobby & his cousin, Kara, who is 6 years younger, were the only 2 babies to use the crib.

The bed is a Simmons. It is very sturdy.
I think the style is called Jenny Lind.

Kari, Bobby, & Bob are checking out how to raise & lower the sides.

The guys are working hard.

The tall spindles were part of the canopy that we used for Bobby. 28 years ago you had to wait until delivery day to find out the sex of your baby. All the bedding & canopy was yellow gingham,very gender neutral.
Since the kids know they're having a boy they won't be using the canopy. They picked out a really cute design of bedding at Target. Now all we have to do is buy a mattress & the crib will be complete.
Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway.
You can find it on Saturday's post.


  1. Oh! that is so sweet, what fun getting ready for new little one. Have I told you we are looking for our great grand son on the 8 of February. My granddaugther lives in Texas.

  2. What a beautiful baby crib. What joy you have ahead. Kathi

  3. How exciting! You are so blessed! That crib is so pretty!

    :0) Sharon

  4. What a beautiful bed and how special that you still have it to use for your precious little grandson.

    According to my husband (???) something has to be 25 years old to be antique. How he knows that I don't know, but just the other day he mentioned that our rocking chair that I got him for our first anniversary is an antique. We had just found out we would be new parents around our first anniversary so we needed a rocking chair.

    These are such precious & exciting times for you all. I'm so happy for you.

  5. memories do light the corners of my mind! Girl you have now come full circle in this game of life. Love the song.
    Baby Or Bust!
    Won't be long now.
    Love you

  6. GM Carol how exciting getting ready for a new baby...don't you just love it?? and my first born grand child will be 28 next month and his new baby is due in March..and he and his wife don't want to know the sex...they want a surprise package..and his name is Bobby also..great year for Bobby's..hope you have a safe and blessed day..hugs and smiles Gloria ...oh an antique in america is 100 years old..

  7. How neat! A family heirloom - antique or not!

    We didn't end up not keeping our crib when we moved. Boo hoo!!

  8. The crib is beautiful...reminds me of the one I had for my own dd.

  9. ohhh! How sweet! I am getting excited just reading about it! Soon I will be putting up the crib in my house for my new grandbaby!!! Thanks for sharing...Debbie

  10. That is so wonderful for the new baby to get to use it. I still have my children's baby bed, and now my grandchildren sleep in it when they come for a visit. (I did replace the mattress!) laurie

  11. Oh what a precious heirloom! That is so sweet girl...I scrolled down and I am so sorry about your dear friend Anna...take care my friend and have a great week!
