Sunday, January 4, 2009

Blessings . . .

See if I will not open the
windows of heaven for you
and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.
Malachi 3:10

God is a giver.
He doesn't wait for birthdays or special occasions.
He wraps each new day in a sunrise and presents it to you with open arms.
He's prepared not just one perfect gift,
but more blessings than you can count.
The first breath you take when you awake,
a cup of coffee to sip,
a hand to hold,
a memory that makes you smile. . .
every single moment of your life is filled with more blessings
than your human mind can possibly comprehend.
But, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.
Take a moment right now,
Ask God to make you aware of the blessings
He is bringing your way today.
Bask in His goodness.
Then, offer Him a thank~you note of praise.
The best things are nearest;
breath in your nostrils,
light in your eyes,
flowers at your feet,
Duties at your hand,
the path of God just before you.
Robert Louis Stevenson


  1. That is lovely and so true. Thank you for reminding me of His grace and blessings.

  2. Beautiful message. Thank you.


  3. what a wonderful message!! I've enjoyed reading your blog!

  4. Carol,

    I saw your addition on my blog, thanks for stopping in. Today would have been my parents 45th wedding anniversary.

    Reaching for Higher Grounds,

  5. What a wonderful way to start my quiet Sunday morning. The message this morning is heart touching.
    Oh that I would remember this every day. As mother would always tell me. "Slow Down Just A Few notches" Thanks for the reminder to do Just that.
    As ususal In Tears
    Love you

  6. Hi Carol, thanks for stopping by.

    This is such a great message to reflect on before I head to church.

    I was taking a sip of coffee as I read that line. It's like God is sitting right here with me.

  7. What a beautiful message at the perfect time..hugs ~lynne~

  8. Carol, you are so good! You provide the right words at the right time. :)

  9. Beautiful post. Thanks for this message. laurie

  10. So beautiful and such a great reminder. I just read a verse I had written in an old notebook from II Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect (upright, sincere) toward him."
    What a precious promise!
    Hope you're having a good Sunday.

  11. What a beautiful post. I have made a commitment to make HIM my #1 from now on!!


  12. Yes - they are so many blessings right in front of us! Nice post!

  13. Thank you for the much needed reminder of the many blessings in front of us (often overlooked:).
