Saturday, January 3, 2009

Giveaway Time . . .

I'm celebrating my 100th post, which was on Christmas Eve, with a giveaway! When I started blogging in September I had no idea how many wonderful new friends I would meet from all over North America. You all are an important part of my day. I enjoy reading your blogs & the sweet comments you leave for me. You are all an inspiration & blessing to me! I'm so looking forward to 2009 in blog land!

The giveaway gift is a collection of Mary Engelbreit goodies!
8 'Winter Schminter' note cards
Mary Days 2009 calendar
Queen For The Day trinket box
It's Good To Be Queen magnet
note pad that says:
Success consists of getting up once oftener than you fall down.

Simply leave a comment on today's post & your name will be put into the hat. Let me know If you post my giveaway on your blog & I will enter your name twice. The deadline to enter will be Friday, January 9th at 5:00 PM CT. The giveaway winner will be announced on Saturday, January 10th. Good luck, I can't wait to see who the winner is!


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post! Please add my name to the hat for your giveaway! ☺ Diane

  2. blogged here:

  3. So glad you blog and hope to read number 200 in 2009. Happy to know you as a wonderful blogger friend. Put my name in the hat.

  4. yipeeeeeee count me in! I love her things and I want to be queen for the day!!! I will post your giveaway on my blog to!

    Congrats on the 100th post..I totally missed mine--lol. BUT...I'm having a giveaway soon also, so watch for mine.

  5. Congratulations on your 100th post. That is very neat. I too didn't expect to make such great friends in blog land. I am so glad we met.

  6. Congratulations on reaching 100 posts!! Please enter me in your delightful giveaway! I hope you have a great 2009!!

  7. Hi Carol! Congratulations on your 100th posts! I feel just like you, blog land is awesome! Thank you for you concern for my Mother. Every day we see some improvement.

    Oh, please at my name to the hat! I love May englebreit!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. Carol, I can't believe you are to 100 already! What a woman!!

    Please include me in your darling give away.

  9. Congratulations! That is a lot of posting! Please enter me. I love Mary's stuff. laurie

  10. Happy 100th!
    I am a Carol's Heirloom Groupie
    Love to start my day with your blogs.

  11. Congrats on your 100th post. Isn't amazing how quickly time flies? Definetly enter my name darling. I would be tickled to post your give away on my blog..
    hugs ~lynne~

  12. Awesome prize! count me in! congrats on your 100th!

  13. GM Diane and girl Congrats on 100 post WOW!! I am only half way there and have ran out of thing to post please do toss my name in the hat...Happy New year to you...hugs and smiles Gloria

  14. Congratulations on your 100th post! Yes, please enter me in the give-away!

  15. What a fun giveaway with great items!!! Please enter me!! Thank you!

  16. Congrats on the 100th post!
    I've just started blogging late this year. I'm amazed at all the really nice people that will keep in touch with you this way.
    Please enter me in your giveaway!

  17. Hi Carol:
    Congrats on your 100th post, it gets addicting doesn't it? I know I sure have enjoyed reading everyone's blogs.
    Please add my name to your giveaway.

  18. Oh how wonderful! Please enter me and I will put your giveaway on my sidebar as well!

    Happy New Year!

  19. happy 100th post!! add me to your hat please!


  20. Congrats on you 100th post and here's to at least 100 more. Sweet give-away...please include me...hugs, Linda

  21. 100 post, congratulations! Happy New Year! I am catching up on all my favorite blogs! Please enter me in the giveaway! Thanks for sharing the pictures of the Christmas lights. Love the lamp!
    Keep on posting!

  22. Hey that pretty header picture! Congrats on your 100th post & put my name in the pot for sure! My 100th will be coming up soon..I gotta think of something like this. We are just hoping the house will sell..we don't really know what we want to do next but we just know we are ready for a's our 'gypsy' blood! lol lol Have a great weekend girl!

  23. Hello! I've been so amazed at all of the wonderful friends I've made through blogging too. I had no idea what a sweet blessing it would be.

    Congrats on your 100th post!

  24. Hello Carol,
    Congrats! 100th already!

    You're doing a wonderful job with your blog posts. I really enjoy reading it very much.

    Hope your 09' is going terrific so far.
    ~Melissa :)

  25. Congrats on the 100th post. I would love to be entered into the giveaway!

  26. Congratulations on your 100th post!!! Please enter me in your giveaway! I love Mary Engelbreit and get her Home Companion magazine.

  27. Oh, Carol! Congratulations on your 100th post! That's quite an accomplishment! I love coming to your blog and seeing the snow since we never get any down South! please throw my name inthe hat! Have a great week-end!...Debbie

  28. Happy 100 Carol!
    Cheers to 100 more!
    ashlomb at yahoo dot com

  29. WOW 100 posts in no time, good for you!

    Thanks for the give away!


  30. 100 posts is something to be proud of. I adore Mary E, who doesn't?
    Count me in baby!

  31. Congratulations and thanks for the chance.

  32. Congratulations. Hope I win! CArol

  33. I put a link to your site on my site at Choose Joy

  34. I read your entry below and see that you enter the HGTV Dream Home Contest each year. You know what's sad? I read that the home is just about never kept by the winner due to the Federal taxes that person or family would have to pay, sad, huh? Also, one family did take the house and move to the new location and then lost it anyway to property taxes they didn't pay.

  35. Congratulations! The posts add up fast, huh? Please enter my name in the hat for the wonderful giveaway. I've posted a picture link on my blog's sidebar too.

    I have a 1-year anniversary celebration and giveaway also, so you might want to enter it, LOL.

  36. Congrats! I hope to get to 100 posts soon myself =) Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. 1 YEAR Anniversary!!
    Well that's a good reason to celebrate.
    Please enter me!

  38. I posted a link to your giveaway on my giveaway post!

  39. Ohhh enter me I want to win a giveaway so bad!!LOL!

  40. I just found your blog but it will go in my favorites. I love Mary E. and would love to be the lucky lady that wins.............Happy 2009 to you and your family.

  41. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your friend Anna.

    Congratulations of your 100th post please add my name.


  42. 100 is good after all!!!

    Please add me to the drawing.

    Fingers crossed & secretly pleading "pick me, pick me"!!

    Ha ha

  43. 100 posts ,, Yay!! Hope I can keep it up that long too,, please put my name in the hat too. I'll be sure to post on my blog about your give-a-way. Thanks

  44. Congratulations on your 100th post...mine was on Christmas Day. I, too, am planning a give away, once I'm into the new term of school. Thanks for entering my name!

  45. I just discovered your blog through Donna at Cottage Days and Journeys. What a fun thing to do! I would love to be a part of your giveaway. I'll be posting it on my blog as well. I love that quote about success. That is so true!

  46. Carol,
    I would love to enter your giveaway, and any pointers you have on doing one myself would be wonderful!!
    Not sure I can wait till my 100th blog. I'm on #70 now. Guess that's reason enough to have a giveaway.
    If I can figure out how to put your name on my blog, I will post it. I'm failry new at all of this.
    I've learned so much, but still sooo much to learn.
    Having fun though!! =0)

    Good luck everyone!!
    Blessings on your day!

    Barbara Jean

  47. OK Carol. It may not be thee right way to do it, but I psted info about your giveaway on my blog, and your blog address.
    Even checked to make sure it got people here when they clicked on it.

    Hope someone I know wins. =0)

    Barbara Jean

  48. Hello, I came here from Donna's link on her sidebar. I discovered today that I am in need of a new calender and can always use note pads, so please enter me in your contest.

  49. Congrats! The prizes look cute, by the way =)


  50. I found you and I like you! I'm fairly certain that our friendship would grow stronger if you picked me as the winner! he he he ~Mindy

  51. Blogged it extra entry-

    ashlomb at yahoo dot com

  52. Happy 100th!! :)
    Please enter me in your great giveaway!

  53. I just blogged about your giveaway :)

  54. Congratulations on the 100th post and heres to another 100. I now follow your blog through Google Reader. Thank-you for the giveaway.

  55. WhooHoo you hit a big milestone!! All these posts mean you are about to hit another one!
