Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We Have A Decision. . .

The other day I posted about the domestic dilemma of how to prepare the Thanksgiving bird this year. Hubby & I decided to cook our turkey in Granny B's harvest gold roaster oven instead of deep frying. It will be much warmer to cook the bird inside the house, not risking it being a cold windy day outside.

I did a little shopping at Dollar Tree yesterday. I was on the hunt for spray starch, found it, couldn't believe it was a brand name! Now that I'm ironing hubby's work shirts instead of sending them to the cleaners I went through the first can of starch really quickly. I saw lots of other things that I wanted to buy, but resisted, reminding myself I need to save money for Christmas gifts.

Hobby Lobby was my next stop. I really went to look for fabric, but I did look around at the 66% off fall decor & Christmas bling, didn't see anything I couldn't live without. Couldn't believe I walked out of there empty handed!!

I also went to Sam's & spent more than I wanted to, but I did only buy things we needed, once again I resisted buying unnecessary things. (I'm patting myself on the back again!! LOL)

Today I'll do more 'Thanksgiving Dinner' shopping at Aldi, Pyramid, & Reasor's. I have some coupons from the Sunday paper & Aldi has some great deals.

Since I spent a lot of time shopping yesterday not much progress was made on the quilt project. After making only 3 squares I started playing around with the layout trying to decide what looked the best, still not sure.

So glad you stopped by today, hope you visit again soon!


  1. Morning Carol. I made a run through Wal Mart yesterday just to grab a few things. Of course, I spent more than I intended. I've been picking up any food that might be needed for the holidays when I see it. I try not to feel too guilty about money spent on will be eaten.

    Might hit Macy's big sale with coupons today for Christmas shopping. Checking my list first. :)

  2. I hear you about seeing things that would be so fun to buy. My oldest was on my case yesterday about how "cheap" I have become.

    I was pleased. That means I have been doing better...if the kids notice.

    Have a great day!

  3. Great job pinching the pennys!
    The little quilt is coming along. Hang in there with the progress.
    Bob was so funny last night! Ha
    I don't think we will be following the lead on that one! Ha again

  4. Hi Carol, You are sure good at shopping. I need to look at coupons more closely. I usually think it's not something I'm going to buy and throw them away. Maybe I need to try it out anyway.~Melissa

  5. I can't wait to see how your quilt turns out!!

  6. Hi Carol...I did the same at Ross yesterday...saw a few things I wanted but didn't buy a thing....and I even had a store credit! Sure makes you feel proud doesn't it... ;-) Bo

  7. I just love Sam's. I do hate the fact though that I can't get out of there for under $100! :)

  8. We have an Aldi's that just opened up, I checked it out and noticed the prices were better than Walmart even. I just wonder though what the can food taste like.


  9. What a great blog you have here :)

  10. Hello! Have you ever brined your turkey? I tried it last year for the first time and it was the moistest flavorful turkey we ever had. I got the recipe from Martha Stewarts magazine last year and saved it. I'm doing it again this year. I'm going to dip up the recipe and post it because I do think its a keeper!

  11. I found your blog from my BFF Little townn big life. A freind of mine is wanting her son's clothes turned into lap quilts. He and my son were the same age and he drown about 4 yrs ago. If this is something you might do, email me. She doesnt need them until Dec 09.
