Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy. . .

Yesterday was a busy day. I made a few more squares for the quilt , I'll show pictures tomorrow.

I washed 5 loads of laundry. . .

This little sign has been in my utility room for years. . .

So thankful I don't have to do this. . .

I ironed half a dozen shirts for hubby. . .

Also dusted everything downstairs. . .

Didn't have to cook dinner, we ate leftover chili from the freezer. . .

I know it might sound boring or silly to blog about these household chores, but I'm so grateful I don't have to rush around on Saturday & Sunday to get everything accomplished like I had to when I was teaching. Honestly, most of the time I would just let things slide & then panic when I'd try to get things done before company showed up.

Today I must go to the grocery store. . .

Have a terrific Tuesday!


  1. Me too!! I love being home. The simplest things make me happy.

  2. Hey sis,
    Nothing better than getting things acomplished. Glad you have more time now to enjoy doing your chores
    No wonder the world is so stess and in a hurry to get things done on the weekends!

  3. Your quilt is going to be really pretty, something I have never done. Wouldn't know where to start. I love being in my home too, i can always find something to do.


  4. Sounds like a good day to me! I like when everything is clean and put away!

  5. Hi Carol...I like to read about everyday happenings on people's blogs...they are the moments of our lives after all. ;-) Bo

  6. I love being a stay at home woman...it gives me great joy to be able to have a home and take care of it and at least I don't got to go to the river and beat my cloths on a rock and mine had better come out of the dryer wrinkle free...I hadn't ironed since the military days! lol lol I always say I am a 'kept' woman and my hubby keeps me very well...but one day someone ask me did I work & I said no I am a 'kept' woman and this man standing beside us eyes flew wide open and he mouth dropped and then he just kinda grinned at me...I thought Bill was gonna die...he turned 10 shades of red and whispered 'Hon!!! You can't be saying things like that...do you know what that really means...you are my wife for goodness sake!" lol lol

  7. Yes, thank God for the dryer and all our other appliances that make homekeeping so much more convenient than in generations ago. We were just talking about it this morning at our Bible study, about the various ways our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did their chores without all the help from modern conveniences. They were pretty resourceful!

    Enjoy your day! :)

  8. What a cute sign for your laundry room.. I love it.

  9. Hi Carol...Oh, I know what you mean! I'm a retired teacher too and I used to hate Sunday night. I was in a panic trying to finish everything before the week began. I never got to do the things I wanted to do. Now I just enjoy having my morning coffee and hearing the school bus go through the neighborhood. lol Isn't it just the litle things in life that make it worthwhile? Debbie

  10. What a great attitude you have -- to be grateful for being busy. I know what you're talking about though. Since I work, I am SO bogged down on the weekends. Sometimes it just seems too overwhelming and I do nothing. Thanks for coming by my posting. laurie
