Sunday, November 2, 2014

Words That Inspire

“God is our refuge and strength,
 an ever-present help in trouble.”  
Psalms 46:1

Wishing you a day filled with hope . . .


  1. Hope is a good thing to have, some people in the world that we should pray for have no hope unless they turn to the one and only Father in heaven through Jesus Christ.

  2. Amen, yes He is! Beautiful photo and verse, Carol.

  3. Hi Carol! Oh, I love that scripture and yes, hope is wonderful and we do have much to look forward to in the Lord. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Beautiful.
    I hope that this week, and this month are filled with joy and blessings for you!

    {I saw your candles again, and they made me think about the candles that are on their way here from B&B Works. Looking forward to having some yummy scents for Christmas **smile**.}
