Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Good Things

I enjoy good things that left my spirits.
Yesterday my candle order from
Oh the yumminess!  
I could eat the Hot Chocolate candle.  The Christmas Cabin candle really smells like Christmas.  I can't wait to use it.  The little cutie is Spiced Cranberry, another wonderful holiday fragrance.
Check out Rebecca's web site, you'll love what you see there.

After my doctor's appointment this morning we enjoyed breakfast at one of our favorite cafes. The atmosphere is nice & they play retro music.
I love the mugs they serve coffee in.  I bought one to add to my mug collection.

Good things add spice to life.  
What good things are you enjoying today.  


  1. Oh, I can just imagine the yummy smelling candles!
    Your house is going to smell so wonderful for the holidays :)

    Smiles :)

  2. Hope all went well with the Dr. visit. The Bennie went for check up with kidney Dr. and he is all back to normal. He sure had a time getting well.

  3. I can just imagine those heavenly scents...a great pleasure in the fall and winter. Isn't it great to find little places that serve great food, atmposphere and people! Jane

  4. She has a chocolate one? Oh that's dangerous news. = D

  5. After a Dr appointment this evening we went to Cracker Barrel I enjoyed looking at all there treasures. I didn't buy anything.
