Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Party Time

Another month has passed in the blink of the eye, which means it's time to party with Vee.
Click on picture to find Vee's blog.

Since this is Memorial Day weekend, I chose a patriotic theme for my note cards.
All of these photos are from posts in 2013.
Welcome to our patriotic home.
Stars & Stripes 
Beary Patriotic
You're a Grand Old Flag

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. These are fun for the summer holidays! Love the red white and blue! A very cute collection! Hugs, Diane

  2. I like the patriotic theme of your cards. Time to remember our country and what it means to us.

  3. Carol! This weekend is Memorial Day weekend?! Oh my. Pardon me while I allow my heart rate to drop a bit. ; >

    Well now, these are perfect for celebrating and honoring Memorial Day. And to think that you were just decorating for Rooster Day!

  4. I love your cards. I, too, did a patriotic theme...:)

  5. Carol, I love your Memorial Day themed note cards! Such lovely arrangements and vignettes!

  6. Those are perfect for your upcoming holiday. I hope you have a fun weekend!

  7. Your cards are a cute tribute to the memorial holiday.

  8. Red white and blue --- perfect for the coming holiday weekend and the summer. Great collection.

  9. Perfect cards for this time of year! You are right about how the month flies by and this party is a big reminder of that!

  10. I love your patriotic notecard theme! So very nice and perfect for this weekend.

  11. Lovely selections for a box of patriotic notecards, Carol. Love the red, white and blue!

  12. Great choice of theme!
    Looking forward to celebrating Memorial Day, and our heartfelt 'thanks' to all those that have sacrificed for our nation and for our freedoms.

    Love each of your cards!!

  13. Love your patriotic cards for May. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

  14. Love your theme for this month, Carol, your photos would make great notecards, thanks for sharing, and thank you for leaving me such a sweet comment.
    Wishing you a great Memorial Day weekend, too!

  15. Nice pictures. Your patriotic pride shows grand. 3 cheers for the red, white and blue!
