Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cock A Doodle Doo

A few weeks ago my 5 year old grandson asked me when I was going to decorate for Rooster Days.
Rooster Days is an annual festival that has been celebrated for 83 years in the town where my son's family lives.  I was surprised that he asked me this question.  He knows that I decorate for all the seasons & holidays so I guess he thought I would be decorating for Rooster Days.  Of course!  Why not?  
I found a pic of the logo for the festival on line, printed it & framed it in a garage sale frame I recently found.
This flea market rooster that I found in Branson several years ago was a perfect fit with the framed pic.
I added some raffia for a farm feel.
We made a rooster pendant banner with a rooster image I found on Google.
We also made a pendant banner for them to use at their house.

My son & daughter in law took the kids to the Rooster Days festival on Friday night & the parade Saturday.  They had a great time. 

The next mantel project will be decorating for Memorial Day weekend.  Of course I'll ask Ethan & Emma to help me deocrate the house.  I think we've started a tradition.  So much fun!

I'm linking with . . .

The Scoop
Savvy Southern Style


  1. Cute mantel. Your roosters need to have a hen party so they can pick a little...talk a little. ; )

  2. I did it again, oops. I forget to sign in and our computer defaults to Mike. So the above comment was really me.

  3. You are such a fun grandmother! It sure looks cheerful and I know how happy you made Ethan!

  4. I love your rooster mantel Carol, and what a great grandmother you are! You bless me so much.

  5. Ok..
    really? You figured out how to use the raffia for a farm feel, and it turned out awesome!!!!!
    I would have never have thought of that :)

    Have a happy day.

