Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rockin' Around Three Christmas Trees

Thanksgiving evening, while we were putting up our Christmas trees,our grandson, asked me a question.  "Nana, why do you have 2 Christmas trees?"  I told him that we like having 2 trees because it's fun.  He seemed satisfied with that answer.  I also reminded him that we would be putting up the little tree for him & his sister another evening.  
If you read my blog regularly you know we have had issues with the lights on our trees.  That's why we couldn't decorate them Thanksgiving evening. 
Well, finally the trees are decorated after we replaced light bulbs & added new strings of lights.

Rockin' Around Three Christmas Trees

9 foot tree in the living room
Our new $5.00, felt tree skirt is from $ General.  
These are some of my favorite ornaments on this tree.
I think I show these 2 Hallmark ornaments every year.
This Hallmark ornament from sister Mary in 1989 reminds me that I used to play tennis in a ladies fun league. 
7 1/2 foot tree in the piano room
It is filled with more ornaments that bring back memories.
"seasons greetings" made by our son
cross stitched by me
sewn by me 32 years ago
ceramic boat made by Grandma Ruby

grandkids tree with flashing lights
Santa tree topper
quote by Santa

Note to self, 
"Maybe next year we'll decorate one Christmas tree."  


  1. Well Carol, each tree is just as cute as can be.

    We used to put up 7 trees.
    One is just perfect now, and makes getting everything stored after Christmas a breeze.

    Although, I am totally crushing on all the darling table top trees that are on Pinterest.
    Maybe next year, we'll do a few table top trees, instead of the traditional family tree ??!!!
    We'll see.
    I have an entire year to think about it ***grin**.

    Enjoy your darling home, and all those cute Christmas trees.


  2. Just one?! Now where's the fun in that?! I am sure that it can get exhausting. I know the light thing had me worn out from the git- go.

  3. Job well done. Everything looks very pretty. Enjoy!

  4. What fun you and your family have. The trees are beautiful.

  5. They all look great. I love the movie theater ornament. I'm still waiting for It's A Wonderful Life to be on this year. Hope I haven't missed it - my all time fav! My grandchildren love the blinking lights. That Santa topper on the grandchildren's tree is so pretty. laurie
