Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas In The Kitchen Window

My favorite window in our house is the kitchen window ledge right above my sink.  I always decorate the space for seasons & holidays.  
During the Christmas season I have a beautiful view of the light display across the street.  The entrance to the subdivision is so pretty & the first house is always decorated beautifully.
Santa, the baker is showing off his sweet treats.
This little gingerbread man light is so fun.  I added more gingerbread friends & an ornament of some mice enjoying cups of hot chocolate.  
More gingerbread friends are staying warm by this snowy candle.  In front is an ornament that belonged to my dear Mother.  She always baked up yummy treats for Christmas.
I'm linking with . . .


  1. Adorable, Carol! I love the Santa and gingerbread men!

  2. Baker Santa is so fancy. He will be a good baking buddy.

  3. That's so pretty Carol. I love little spots like that.

  4. So charming, Carol, and I love that cake plate stand you have Santa on. laurie

  5. Cute kitchen Christmas décor.
    Lucky to have a nice space to decorate, just right for the season.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. How fun to catch a glimpse out your kitchen window. It does look very bright and cheery over there. What a perfect place to decorate! Sweetest little ornament with the Gold Medal Flour.
