Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gathering Around The Table

The Thanksgiving table is already set.
This morning I decided to go ahead & set the table so I wouldn't be rushed Thursday morning.
We have family dinner almost every Sunday.  Special time together.  When it's time for Thanksgiving I have many memories of family dinners from my growing up years & 37 years of marriage.
I know you're probably as busy as I am with 'Turkey Day' preparations.  I'm baking cornbread, toasting bread & chopping celery & onions today for the dressing.  I'm going to pace myself & enjoy the reason we gather together.

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Everything looks so lovely.
    Hope you have such a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.


  2. Pace Yourself...what a concept. Must try it! I dare not set the table yet as grands are coming for much of the day tomorrow. I dare not do a lot of baking. I can wash the dishes and have them ready for Thursday...the good dishes that haven't been out since last Christmas.
