Monday, November 25, 2013

A Winning Weekend

Win #1

I am happy to report that our team, Oklahoma State University, defeated Baylor Saturday night.
OSU 49 - Baylor 17
We had a great time watching the game in the comfort of our living room instead of freezing in the stadium.  Which leads me to . . .
Win #2
When we turned on the gas logs in our fireplace Saturday afternoon the flame kept going out.
Hubby was able to clean out the thermocoupler with compressed air dust remover.  Worked like a charm.  
Win #3
We enjoyed sharing a home cooked meal with our kids Sunday afternoon.  It's so much fun playing with the grandkids.  
Emma proudly wear her OSU outfit.
Ethan is always happy when he's playing on Daddy's IPad.
They know more about an IPad than I do!  

Happy Thanksgiving week!


  1. Whoo Hoo... great news for your team :)

    Those Grands of yours are so cute, and are growing like weeds!

    Have a wonderful week, and a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. We are basking in the glow of the brightest orange in America here in Missouri.

    Glad your fireplace is working.

    Your kids always look like they have fun at Nana and Papaw's house.

  3. Kiddos are so computer savvy these days! Yup, they look as if they know what they're doing. Compressed air? Guess it's a good thing.
