Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pumpkin Inspirations

Yesterday evening, my Hubby stopped by a produce stand not far from our house.  He was in search of a late season watermelon.  Here's the photo he messaged me.
I immediately got excited!
Then I saw this idea on Facebook this morning.  I'm inspired!
drilled pumpkin designs

Here are a few more pumpkin inspirations on my 

duct taped pumpkin
Duct Tape on a pumpkin, easy and cute.

glittered pumpkin 
Glitter Pumpkins...these are so easy to do and so beautiful! I did this last fall with white pumpkins and black glitter! just spray glue on pumpkin and sprinkle with glitter! Gorgeous!

wrapped in tulle pumpkins
Faux Halloween Pumpkins

paint dot design pumpkin
Probably way easier than carving, and you can do it with glow in the dark paints!

Mod Podge and scrapbook paper pumpkin
Mod Podge and scrapbook paper

I could go on & on, but I'll stop here. 
 If you're interested in seeing more Autumn pumpkin ideas, go -----> here.


  1. Oooh, those are all so fun. I must get to our pumpkin wagon. All pumpkins are $1.

  2. Ohhh! Inspiration overload! I love it all Carol :-)

  3. Hi Carol, I saw these ideas too on Pinterest-just haven't gotten to them yet. I loved seeing all the harvest produce at the Farm Stand. Makes me want to go out and get more things.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. These ideas have my head spinning -- just when I thought I was finished with the whole Fall decorating thing! I really like the drilled pattern -- endless possibilities!

  5. Oh you have a beautiful autumn folder at Pinterest...couldn't help repinning a few! We did the drilled pumpkins one year with the grands' names. They turned out cute and we filled them with a string of lights.

  6. Love the snap of the produce stand. Drilling holes in pumpkins is like a hot knife in butter, super easy. All cute ideas, I am still partial to good 'ol Jack-o-lantern. ; )
