Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn Touches In The Kitchen

A few fall touches have been added to the kitchen table & Hoosier cabinet. 
 I didn't go over board with the Autumn additions to this area.
 I guess I'm waiting for October to start adding Halloween bling.
BTW, three months from today is Christmas.  
90 days!  

Thanks a bunch for stopping by for a visit.

I'm linking with . . .


  1. Subtle yet so pretty Carol! And thank you for so kindly pointing out we are only 3 months from Christmas Day LOL! Have a wonderful rest of the week :-)

  2. The white items grouped together gives a timeless background, no matter the season. Nice look.

  3. I am enjoying all of your fall decorations, Carol. I had planned to do some decorating today, but had a surprise visit from my mom, and that was so nice. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a good husband you have Carol - you've trained him well!!
    I love all the pumpkins and Autumn touches I'm seeing on blogs - we really don't 'season' dress our houses except for Christmas.
    I've decided next year I will change that and have an Autumn display (in March here)!!

    I'm inspired by all your pumpkin ideas - the top two are my favorites and they will look so pretty in the evenings.

