Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sister Landscapers

My little sisters are so talented.  Not only are they great home decorators, they also do a fantastic job of landscaping their yards.  
Here's what sister Mary's yard & decks look like, way down south in Houston, Texas.
Mary & her Hubby Howard live in a 3 story townhouse.  
 Old glory is proudly displayed on the 2nd story balcony.  
The entrance gate with beautiful azaleas.
She recently added this fountain.  
1st story patio
Mary created this pretty flowerbed at her daughter's home.  
Up in Missouri, sister, Susan & her Hubby Mike live in a beautiful new home.
Don't you just love the front door?
back door patio
Can you see the cute toy truck & tractor in the back yard flowerbed?
I just love the little gnome tucked in among the flowers?

Thank you for visiting today.  Hope you have a terrific Thursday!


  1. P. Allen Smith eat your heart out.; ) Just kidding.
    We all learned pride of yard work from Mom and Dad.

  2. Both are so pretty! Runs in your family. :)

  3. I think you all have beautiful yards!

  4. Your sisters are very talented indeed! They both have lovely homes and gorgeous gardens! Thank you for visitng me, sweet friend. Big hugs,
